Missing many remaining performances...
First of all due to the rainy weather, people who came to Sangam, very sorry.
To compensate, next time the live performance will be twice as good so please come and watch!
And people who came to Han River, really thankful.
Even though there was a bad situation, because with everyone working very hard together, so I'm really thankful,1
next performance, we and everyone, let's have a lot of fun!
아쉬움이 많이 남았던 공연...
우선 비오는 날씨에 상암에 와주신 분들 죄송합니다...
대신에 다음번에 배로 좋은 라이브공연 보여드리겠습니다!
그리고 한강에 와주신 분들, 정말 감사드립니다.
여러가지로 악조건 이었는데 호응많이 해주셔서 감사드리구여,
다음 공연에는 우리도 여러분도 더 재밌게 놀아보자구여!
Disclaimer & Notes: I'm not a native speaker of Korean, this isn't 100% correct. I did this because it was more fun than working on essays.
1 Oh that just sounds awful in English... No idea what/whose 'bad situation' it is...