Icon Meme

Oct 11, 2010 23:53

A combination of two of my fandom joys! I couldn't resist when I saw this in gaelicspirit's LJ.  Besides, I'm just sitting here watching old TV shows (Family Ties, Happy Days, Batman, Doogie Howser, etc) and telling myself to go to bed already. Since I'm obviously not going to listen to me, I may as well do something constructive.

The rules:

- Reply to this post (only if you wish) and I will pick six of your icons.
- Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
- Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
- This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

gaelicspirit picked these icons:


Made by raloria, this was my first "hands" icon. The hands are Jensen's. I don't know what episode (if any) she took this from. I've been meaning to ask her but it just never comes up when when we're drooling over the man. ETA: Raloria confirmed that this was from S3's Red Sky at Morning. I love hands and I'm always happy to ogle a perfect pair. Jensen has beautifully sculpted hands, his long fingers... *swoon*. Especially with the ring, which you can see in this icon if you look carefully.  RIP Dean's ring. *sniff*

Dean - :l leaning with Impala

Also made by raloria. This is from a scene in S5's Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, where the camera zoomed to Dean leaning against the impala as he watched Bobby's house, then swung around to show Bobby's wife watching him. Creepy. This is an all-time favorite camera shot... I was literally gasping the first time I saw this. It was so shockingly, stunningly gorgeous. The sexy just blasted out of my TV!

Castiel - useful things

This one was made by txgirl0302. I love this icon but I don't use it nearly as often as I should. I snagged this icon because it made me chuckle. I mean, come on! That line was classic! I love how Castiel sees the world and how he reacts to Dean's idiosyncrasies. He's almost childlike in his innocence sometimes.

Castiel - personal space

Another Cas icon, this one by radioprecious. Cas, a cell phone, and Dean. The combination makes for some truly good times! This is from S5's Free to Be You and Me. I've never really thought of Misha/Cas as a hunk... he's certainly not as handsome as Jensen or Jared. However, I do love what he brings to the show. In this scene Cas showed his own emotional vulnerability, which I think made me really like the character for the very first time.

Dean & Sam - stargazing

savedean made this icon from the S5 finale Swan Song. A lovely image in a heart-wrenching episode. I'm fascinated by the idea of the boys stopping to watch the stars, side by side enjoying a beer, the cool night air, and the glorious sky. No monsters. No demon blood. No Dad. No apocalypse. Just two brothers, sitting on their car out on a dark back road, clear sky above, the stars shining so brightly and so so many of them. I wanna be there with them.

baby Gracie and daddy

This is one of the few I made myself. It's a picture of my newest niece, Gracie, and her daddy, who also happens to be my little brother. This is from quite a few months ago; Gracie was 6 months in this picture (I think) and she's 11 months now. It's hard to believe she's almost a year old! Little brother reminds me of Dean: to the casual observer he's a crusty bad-ass with his guns and his hunting and his cars, but he's really a sweetie at heart. He's a wonderful daddy! He changes poopie diapers, plays bouncy baby games and singy songs with her, wipe her nose with his hand (ew), and all the other things that a loving parent does. It's adorable. He tries to keep up his badass persona, but that's hard to do with a diaper bag over his shoulder... granted, it's a camouflaged bag, but still... heh.

So there you have it. :D


meme: misc

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