Internet is a go

Oct 10, 2010 01:23

The internet is now hooked up at my sister's house, which means that I can officially move in whenever I'm ready. I haven't even started packing yet (business trips and other bothersome stuff), but I can move myself into their house in bits and pieces.

What is it about tech guys that they think anyone who isn't technologically savvy is just a dumbo and not worthy of even civility? Seriously! While this guy wasn't outright rude, he did let us know by his tone exactly what he thought of us. He asked me where I wanted the internet to be hooked up in the house. Frankly, my sister, her hubby, and I had only first discussed it an hour before since I haven't really had time to think about this. So, we gave the guy our options (there were only two). First, he could hook it up at the bottom of the basement where we're probably setting up the computer desk. Second, he could string it up on the other basement wall where the satellite TV is already running into the house. His response: [insert sarcastic tone] "Ma'am, the internet and satellite TV have absolutely nothing to do with each other. They are totally different things." Now, I know that. I'm not stupid. I was just offering that there was already access into the house on that wall, so if he needed to drill more holes there it wouldn't matter. I wasn't expecting him to hook up the internet through the TV lines!

He started hooking everything up and quit asking me for my opinion. We essentially ignored each other until the hookup was complete. Then I made the mistake of opening my big mouth again. I expressed my concern about whether this internet was fast since I need a fast hook-up for my JOB. I work from home. At an internet based JOB. He explained (again looking at me like I was a cockroach crawling on his shoe) that satellite internet couldn't possibly be as fast as DSL or cable, but that it was fairly quick; it can handle most image-heavy sites and such. I jokingly asked about youtube vids (partly because I do watch them when I get the urge and partly because his response would tell me how fast this hook-up really was). He turned horrified eyes to me and said,"I hope you don't do that very often." My response was to blink stupidly and ask why. "Because," he said, "you're only allowed a certain number of downloads per day."

This is news to me! Since when do American internet companies restrict internet usage? Besides, I download things all day long for my JOB. Documents, pdf files, excel spreadsheets. We exchange everything via the internet. I download a copy, review it, and upload another with my suggestions and/or revisions. If they limit my downloads I might not be able to do my job! But the snooty dude assured me that documents are so small they wouldn't affect this. No, I just need to limit my youtube usage and my song downloads. I essentially have enough bandwidth to download about 50 songs. I don't now what that means for everything else, though.

So, I've got internet at the new house but I'm not sure how well it'll work for my purposes. Especially since there will be 4 adults using the same internet hook-up in that house! What if one or two of them use all my downloading bandwidth and I still need to pull up some documents for work??

Oy. This just seems unnecessarily complicated.


real life rambling, real life ranting

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