overwhelmed and rambling

Sep 13, 2010 09:50

My friends, I'm disappearing for a bit. I'm leaving town in the morning and have SO MUCH to do to get ready. Also, the dates for my DC trip have finally been announced. My office is giving me a week to get back from this first trip before I have to leave for the next trip. And I'm moving at the end of October. Aaaahhhh! Too much!

Oh, and all my DC friends want me to stay an extra week so they can see me. But there's no time. None. Not if I'm moving in 7 weeks, 3 of which will be sucked into these two trips.

I'm going to have to take time off from work in October. Problem is that October officially marks the end of my downtime. It's usually the month I spend getting ready for the real work... preparing folders, updating templates, contacting all the hundreds of people involved to make sure they're ready... but when will I have time to get all THAT done?

Overwhelmed. Yes. Trying not to panic and just take it one step at a time.

Bottom line, my flisties, is that you might not be seeing me around much for the next couple of months. I'm definitely disappearing for the next day or two for packing and travel. If I have internet in the room, I'll try to pop by some while I'm in Sioux Falls (visiting Bobby Singer, heh).

Thanks so much to everyone who suggested fics for my travels. I'm printing several of them off today for my first trip and will use the others for my second trip. The idea of these new fics is keeping me from going completely insane right now. Thanks ladies!

Talk later, or maybe much much later. But later. :D

real life rambling

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