WOW, been a busy time of catch up since returning from Michigan. LOTS of stuff moving around and changing jobs (including Tom possibly). Trying to finish odd jobs around the house in case we need to have it ready to show and sell. Catching up with committees and obligations. Throw in a visit to University last week for some labs and, quite frankly, I'm a bit stressed out.
On the up side, I bought a new laptop. We have had a time getting to know each other, I feel rather left me behind about 5 years ago. But it has wonderful broadband and treats me well in that department. I can sit upstairs AND not jam up my phone line. Everything is so fast! We've been stuck with dial up for so long, I didnt know what I was missing. I was real close to going with WildBlue, the satellite provider option in our area, but am so glad I went with Verizon. I've had such great service nad coverage with the BlackBerry.
i found out about this program: and have signed up to participate. Its basically to help assess the bee population. There is growing concern that environmental and habitat changes are severly affecting bee health. Im no rocket scientist, but without bees, there is no food. Anyway, growing sunflowers and watching for bees 15 mins a day seemed to be something I could happily do :)
My wild rural garden did very well this year with all of the extra rain. I have hollyhocks everywhere and had a huge early patch of poppies. Without the horses in the pasture there are all sorts of wildflowers and native plants. Little violets took over my little flower bed and the mint went crazy. There are some other misc flowering plants and huge daisy beds. It was real nice :) The Russian Sage is blooming like mad and I've seen a number of ladybugs and bumlebees.
I learned recently that ladybug and bees populations are related somehow. Where you see one you'll see the other. Odd I thought, but I don't know bugs ;p
Just got a call from Tom, the AP is having a meeting with the Governor's Office so the recommendation of Tom as the new U.S. Marshall for the state of Wy will be released. Here comes another tidal wave.
Its a great way for Tom to end a prestigious law enforcement career - no one deserves it more. It sidetracks our retirement plans for a couple of years, but the federal wages, benefits and retirement make it worth the short diversion. We were going to retire and be "ok", but this opportunity will take out financial worries away. Weird how things work out sometimes :) It's not a done deal, but with the announcement, now its just paperwork. I cant imagine anything that could stop him.