On and on....

Jul 01, 2010 10:51

Still growing stuff. The cotton is puttering along, although I lost three. I have giant Mongolian sunflowers coming up. Finally little tomatoes coming in. My cucumber has tons of flowers, but is stubbornly not producing actual cucumbers. Growing, growing, growing.

Yesterday, we found a Tobacco Hornworm on the jalepeno plant. The jalepeno is pretty bare now, so I dont know if it will survive or not. Oops. Meanwhile, the little Hornworm is now living in a large pickle jar and is named Charles. He eats a LOT, and so fast! We've decided to try and raise him, just because it will be super interesting (to us) and I've never seen the whole caterpillar-to-moth/butterfly process up close. (Charles will be a Carolina Sphinx Moth when he grows up.) He's happily munching away on some tomato leaves right now next to me.

Had a whirlwind trip to Milwaukee last weekend. It was SO MUCH FUN! I loved Milwaukee. It was awesome! I definately need to make it back there again someday. Everyone keeps telling me the only reason I enjoyed it so much was because I didnt go during the winter. Because they have blizzards and snow in the winter. Yeah, ok, whatever. I live in Phoenix, where the temperatures hits 100F or more for 9 months of the year. NINE MONTHS! OVER 100F! So, yeah, snow is cold, and you have to shovel it, blah blah blah. You know what? If I'm cold, I can wear more clothes. Here in AZ, I can be NAKED and its still too hot. Yeah. So, I loved Milwaukee, and I think I would still love it in the winter.

Milwaukee is now on my short list of "places I totally want to move to". Before going there, I never, ever would have guessed that could happen. This has been a reminder to me not to judge a place solely on its stereotype.
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