This will probably be boring....

Jun 14, 2010 16:36

I'm growing cotton. Well, I'm really growing lots and lots of stuff (see previous post), but I'm also growing cotton. I'm stupid happy about this. I dont even know why. I'm going to try and post now and again about the cotton's progress (and most likely, the progress of the garden overall). So, it will probably be boring - you've been warned.

I planted the cotton on June 6. I planted 3 types of cotton (Erlene's Green, Nankeen Brown and Upland White), 5 seeds each. The seeds began to sprout within a few days, and I currently have 14 very happy seedlings. (The one dud belongs to the Nankeen Brown variety.)

The Erlene's Green and Nankeen Brown will produce natually green and brown (respectively) cotton. I found this way more intriguing than the white cotton, and looked into it. It seems that, once upon a time, cotton grew in a rainbow of colours. Naturally red, blue, gold, green, tan, brown and yellow. WHOA! But, as with all things, as cotton became more commercial, the coloured cottons became more of a novelty. Many of the coloured cottons dont retain their vivid colours if exposed to too much sunlight. Some change colours in the wash. White cotton was hybridized to create huge yields of lint (cotton) and it soon took over. Many of the naturally coloured cottons were lost for all time. Red and blue seem to be completely gone. Gold, tan and yellow are still grown in Peru. Green and brown are still grown in the US, but mostly for "ornamental" purposes. After some research, I found a second type of brown cotton (Mississippi Brown), which I will try growing after I get these little seedlings on their way.

So, I have 14 seedlings right now. After just about a week, they are about 2 inches high, with two big leaves each. I'm thinking I will need to transplant them this coming weekend! Everything I have read on cotton so far says it loves the sun and the heat - so Arizona should suit them just fine! And, in fact, we do (commercially) grow a lot of cotton in Arizona! So, heres hoping.

The rest of the garden seems to be doing ok. I had to replant the cauliflower, broccoli and spinach because the heat killed them. The lima beans never spouted, so I replanted them as well. Oh, I had to replant the red summer wheat too, because THE DOG ATE IT. No, really.

My poor artichokes dont look happy, so I am keeping an eye on them. The strawberries were doing pretty well, but I havent seen any new flowers in a week or so. Speaking of flowers, my cucumbers and tomatoes have TONS of flowers, but NO FRUIT/VEGGIES. WTF?! I told The BF that we need more bees, and he needed to be a beekeeper. He doesnt seem thrilled with this idea. The grapes are growing like nuts, but no sign of grapes yet. I'm afraid they may take over the patio with crazy vines though.

So, so far so good, I suppose.
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