Legends of Tomorrow : broken man, broken time (drabble)

Dec 11, 2018 18:12

Title: broken man, broken time
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow
Characters: John Constantine
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: John as thoughts after episode 4x08
Spoilers for episode 4x08
Written for
anythingdrabble challenge #66: broken

John grabbed a drink, lit a smoke and headed to the library. What a mess. He knew he was a broken man, he just never thought he was so broken that he'd end up breaking time and wrecking reality itself. Bloody time travel, he should have known he'd mess it all up.

He had believed he'd doomed this team by coming on board. Turned out they were doomed without him. He'd seen proof of that over and over again. Maybe Sara was right, that together they could figure out a way. Maybe he could even save Dez, if not himself.

#66, drabble, anythingdrabble, john constantine, my fanfic, legends of tomorrow

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