A couple of things I wish would disappear from my life

Aug 19, 2009 09:14

The commercials that immediately start by showing us abused or neglected animals.  I change the channel and then curse the people that are trying to convince me to care (and by caring I mean send money). I get it! I've gotten it for years folk; it made me sick and disgusted when I realized (around the age of 9) that humans can be inhuman (not only to animals but their children and partners too).  I know you need funds to rescue,treat and care for these animals and I applaud your work but please stop terrorizing us with videos of battered and abused animals - it pisses me off more than anything just like when the folks against abortion walk our streets with placards of aborted fetuses! Damn! Let's face it, the folks that care enough to send money don't need to be hit over the head with examples of abuse and neglect and the ones that don't care aren't going to change their minds because of your ad and suddenly develop a heart and send you money.

The people on the news that are crying (literally) about wanting "my America back!" .  What America was your America? What is it that you think has changed?  Do you honestly think that because Barack Obama is now President that this country is going to become a socialist state? I think that it's great that people that don't agree with the way our government is going about it's business take a stand but what the hell are you standing for? You go to town hall meetings and instead of having anything constructive to say you simply parrot what I have been hearing Glenn Beck rant about. You are evidently afraid and I won't fault anyone for feeling less than secure in our current economy but that makes it even more important that you turn off your tvs and do a bit of studying. Surely you realize that these talking heads are being paid big bucks to stir-up their audiences. I mean, you do realize that they do demographic studies to determine who their audiences are and how to play them. Come on, you don't really think Glenn Beck is doing anything more than assuring his ratings do you?
Haven't you noticed that the criticisms that are being heaped on this Administration are the exact same ones that those of us that detested the Bush Administration heaped on them?  I have, as a matter of fact, I think that if you paid close attention you'd hear just about the exact words used. Conservatives and Republicans are declaring that Obama doesn't understand or care about the 'middle-right' Americans; Liberals,Progressives and Democrats declared that Bush didn't care about them. Conservatives and Republicans have declared that "Obama is not my president", I remember FOX News making a great deal out of the fact that Liberals and Democrats had no respect for Bush, that we were unpatriotic for not supporting him as he was the president.  When Bush pushed to invade Iraq those of us that saw through his charade and protested were not only told to shut-up but several large rallies and protests against the war were not covered by any news organization and still can only be seen by watching a few documentaries that were filmed to preserve the events.  At least this administration is allowing the news to cover the protests and 'tea parties'...

Now, I'm going to go work-off my disgust and then wait anxiously to hear from our vet about Zoe's leg/hip.

commercials, town halls

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