I feel like I've accomplished nothing recently

Dec 12, 2021 22:44

And yet I got my flu shot and my covid booster. I got to Chambanacon and had a great time even if my ears (and neck and back) started to ache from wearing a mask so much (I know that the mask doesn't go on the back, but pressure on the back of my ears does weird horrible things, and I didn't manage to put new elastic on the handmaid masks that don't use ear loops, so I was stuck with ear loops all weekend). I got the hardware for the 15 chord autoharp into the mail to someone who needs it to fix a beloved instrument. I got paperwork related to my aunt's estate signed and notarized and sent to my sister. I got patches on both of my vests (one a Dendarii Free Mercenaries patch and the other a Mercury Batallion patch and a Love/Peace patch) and got a picture of the latter onto facebook so the author of the books that on is from could see it in use. I have a list of things to buy at Menards so I can finish a number of little projects on the house. I helped a friend hang curtains in the house her former renters had vacated, so it won't look empty and vulnerable. I got my partner's next-month of meds sorted into their little boxes. I got my teeth cleaned.

See, silly Dandelyon, you have done at least a few things lately. And yet, the feeling persists.

Maybe part of it is that I feel off today. Not nearly as bad as Covid Shot 2 had me feeling, but definitely off. I took my temp thinking I had a temperature, and I didn't. It was slightly low, but nothing alarming. Same with my oxygen level--slightly lower than usual, and the pulse slightly faster. My arm hurts, but not much. I still have a couple of dime-sized welts from the allergy testing too. Feeling off physically generally translates into feeling off mentally.

Ah, well, I guess it's time to rest and do the practical stuff, not time to be super-creative. And there is value in those things. I know that. But I want to be creating more, I really do. This entry was originally posted at https://wyld-dandelyon.dreamwidth.org/457636.html. Be welcome to comment wherever you prefer, but be warned that LJ has not, under the new management, been sending me notifications of comments. I will check LJ periodically, but life being what it is, commenting on DW will likely get you a faster response.

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