So, Sunday and Monday I only ate things I had reason to believe were safe. The foods I ate at work were all things I've been eating safely for weeks, and the dinner, while at a restaurant, was at a restaurant where I've ordered the exact same meal repeatedly and been fine. The only thing I did that I haven't done since being on this diet was go to the dentist, and I did mention the allergies to him--he even checked on the sweetener for the numbing medicine.
So it all should have been fine, right?
Wrong. I woke up Tuesday a little earlier than usual with the realization that I hadn't been sleeping well because I was in terrible pain. I hobbled to the bathroom, and after several trips, felt enough better to fall asleep again, but I was still in enough pain that I dreamed my whole belly, from mid-chest down, was filled with old pieces of 2x4 and rusty nails.
Yesterday I put on a loose dress and went in to work, though even after sleeping nearly all day Tuesday, I felt wiped out and rather rag-doll like, except for the still bloated belly.
Today I woke feeling better and dared to put on a skirt instead of a dress--a loose skirt, or usually a loose skirt. Five minutes in the skirt and I was tearing it off in pain again, because the elastic was compressing my belly too much. *sigh* So much for not having my gut hurt all day.
Apparently the benefits of not stressing my body all the time with corn and wheat are at least partially offset by having my body be totally unready for a surprise assault.
I wonder if there's anything I could take to help me recover from the (painfully obvious) inflammation through my whole digestive tract the next time this happens?
For the moment, however, I have to figure out what else I can wear that won't press on my belly *at all* for tomorrow at work.
In better news, these cookies (which I ate several weeks ago, but have not yet blogged about) are great: