Lookies at the shinyness of my new layout. All thanks to the css stylesheet by
minty_peach and a reaally helpful css guide at
cartonage, otherwise I would have been awefully lost. I'm really happy with how everything turned out^^
Now second: As some might have noticed, my bunnies have been behaving a bit hmmm... let's say, kind of strangely. I think they need a little challenge and I hope you're up for it :D
(snagged from
The first ten people to comment in this post with a prompt get to request that I write a drabble of any character(s) of their choosing. Doctor Who, Torchwood, Merlin and Being Human are fair game. Leave me a prompt and I'll try to answer in form of comment!drabbles as soon as I can.
1. Jack, Ianto and a new car for sarituss Done!
2. Tosh and Rhys for emyrldlady Done!
3. Jack/Ianto, "What the hell is this?" for remuslives23 Done!
4. Tosh, Ianto and hats for creadigol_lili Done!
5. Merlin/Arthur and a pleasure!spell for geekslave Done!
6. Owen, Ianto on Ianto's first day for frakkin_addict Done!
7. Possessive!Jack marking Ianto for thrace_adams Done!
8. Drunk, naked and happy Ianto in a pool for morgia Done!
9. Owen meets Donna Noble for huskyfriends Done!
10. Jack trying to snog his way out of trouble for trace_adams Done!
My bunnies and I would be happy if all 10 slots were to be filled and each comment will definitely get lots of love from me :3
EDIT: All finished! Yays!!! xD
On a completely different note: I participated with two comment!porn ficlets in the
Porn Battle, do you want me to repost them on my journal?^^