Title: The Hanged Prince
Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Summary: Arthur's life is tied to the crown he is going to bear one day...
Word Count: 400ish
Genre: angst
Rating: R
Warnings: implied sex between two male characters, don't read if that offends you
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: 'Merlin' and its characters never did and - let's be honest about that - never will belong to me but the BBC, I'm just borrowing.
Author's notes: Written for
frakkin_addict who bid for a Merlin/Arthur fic from me in the
help_haiti Lightning Round. Hun, I don't know where the fluff and the UST went but as you bid way more than I offered my ficlets for, take this as prezzie and you'll get the UST in another story. I hope you'll like this ficlet anyway x3
Ties... Crimson rope, twisted from Arthur's blood tainted inheritance: A throne secured through ashes and fire, cursed by witches, warlocks, druids and other magical creatures in their last breaths, doomed by their gift of God-like power and Uther's incomprehensible hate of everything magic. Death clings to the crown, clings to Arthur's very existence.
A life borne through death, torn by responsibility for each past, present and future action of a man Arthur fears, hates and loves the most... and so the rope twists itself, extending with each passing day, slinging itself around Arthur's wrists, ankles and throat, strapping him to a fate he never chose for himself, a fate foreordained by hatred, sins and politics.
Arthur's life is tied to the crown he is going to bear one day, to the throne he is going to reside in one day, to the role he is going to fill one day. Having spent most of his youth memorizing texts of the Ancients, killing time at official banquets, watching his father sitting over maps and killing enemies of the throne on his patrols with the knights, Arthur is well up in the worldly matter of politics. He bears no real grudge against the magic folk, it's not their fault that there is rot amongst them as there is amongst the rest of humanity, not their fault that their very existence cost Arthur a father in his youth.
Still Arthur sins, sins against one of their kind when he holds Merlin back at nights, sins against his father with each ill fated kiss he bestows on Merlin's skin, sins against himself when he cuts this crimson rope in the dead of night, each cut tying Merlin closer to him, binding him to a life filled with lies, violence and political intrigues, dooming him to this crimson fate.
Each night this sin cuts deeper, each morning the rope around his neck grows tighter, each day he suffers this strange feeling to suffocate and each time he holds Merlin in his arms, tastes the salt on his lips and feels Merlin's heat against his body, Arthur feels this peculiar sense of freedom.
In the end it's Merlin who leads their way. Ties are a funny thing.
My overall second Merlin fic, feedback would be very welcome :3