May 21, 2005 11:37
A - Age: 25
B - band: Incubus
C - Choice Of Meat: Beef
D - Dream Date: Angelina Jolie/Lita/Amy Lee
E - Excites You: Strippers/Black clothing
F - Favourite Food: Pizza
G - Greatest Gift: my future son & new step-daughter
H - Happiest Day Of Your Life: Proposing to Shawndra/finding out I'm gonna be a daddy
I - Internal conflicts: temper
J - Jealous: The people that don't work for a living & still have all the nice shit
K - Kool Aid: Mountain Berry
L - Love: Shawndra, Trin, Daemien, my fam, & my passion
M - Most Valuable Thing You Own: the pc
N - Name: TALON
O - Outfit I Love: whatever fits...usually anything black, but I do like my new Incubus shirt
P - Pizza Topping: pepperoni
Q - Question I want to ask: What's life?
R - Roots: Irish,German,British, Itallian, Indian (Cherokee), Polish, & some others
S - Sport to watch: Wrestling and football
T - TV show: Simpsons/Southpark/Drawn Together/Raw/Smackdown
U - Unique habits: I can make a funny remark at any time
V - View from the window: nothing my curtains are fucking dark!
W - Weather I Love: cool
Y - Yesterday's best meal: Chix Pot Pies
Z - Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
1. Sex: Yes Please! I mean Male
2. Age: 25
3. Birthday: 2/18/80
4. Place of Birth: Brandon Manitoba Canada or Mendota IL...take your pick
5. Siblings: 1
6. Parents: 2
7. Pets: none yet...well Shawndra :P
8. Height: 5ft9
9. Weight: 189
10. Hair Colour: brown
11. Eye Color: blue
12. Eye Color of Choice: blue
13. Writing Hand: right
14. Masturbating Hand: right & I use my right too lol
15. Current Residence: Peoria, IL
16. Do you bite your nails?: yeah
17. Can you roll your tongue?: yes
18. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: yes
19. Can you blow smoke rings?: yeah
20. Can you blow spit bubbles?: yeah
21. Can you cross your eyes?: yes
22. Tattoos?: two & getting more
23. Piercings and where?: eyebrow and labret and ears
24. Do you make your bed daily?: hell no, who has time for that?
25. What goes on first, bra or underwear?: depends on the day lol....underwear
26. Which shoe goes on first?: right
27. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: yes
28. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: at least $20
29. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: my engagement ring
30. What's sexiest on a girl?: eyes, legs, & face
31. Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great?: look great
32. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl
33. How many cereals in your cabinet?: 4
34. What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: none
35. Do you cook?: yea
36. How often do you brush your teeth?: once a day
37. How often do you shower/bathe? sometimes thrice a day, always once
38. How long does your shower last?: minutes...depending
39. Hair drying method?: towel
40. Do you paint your nails?: only black
41. Do you swear?: fuck yes ya cunt!
42. Do you ever spit?: yea
43. Do you pee in the shower?: if I have to
44. The CD Player: Techno
45. Person you talk most on the phone with: no phone
46. What colour is your bedroom?: white, black, & red
47. Do you use an alarm clock?: yep
48. Name one thing you are obsessed with: The Crow
49. Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?: yes
50. Ever sunbathed nude?: no
51. Window seat or aisle?: window
52. What's your sleeping position?: on my belly
53. What kind of bed do you like?: a comfy one
54. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: always
55. Do you snore?, sleepwalk? Or talk in your sleep?: snore,sing,talk
56. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: no
57. How about with the light on?: no
58. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: Kazzaa or Win Amp
59. Took a shower?: this morning
60. Watched Bambi: AHHHHHH Bambi...poor mom
61. Cried?: when I looked at the sono pics
62. Talked on the phone?: last week
63. Read a book?: umm a month or so
64. Punched someone: I am a wrestler when don't I punch somone?
65. Where do you see yourself in ten years?: alive
66. Who are you going to be married to?: Shawndra
67. How many kids?: 2
68. Your profession or main occupation: God of Wrestling! Or something that pays good
69. Future School: I dun lick skool lol
70. What kind of house you want to own?: a 3 or 4 bdrm
.::D E S C R I B E. Y O U R. L A S T::.
Memory: watching fiancee decroate bdrm in undies :p
Real Injury: I concussed myself
Snow Fall: a few months agp
Curiosity: what's that button do?
Pet: Simba
Board Game: Trivisl Pursuit DVD
Bus Ride: when the white one came to get me
Day of School: oh god
Field Trip: to chicago
Friend: dunno...Hannah
Best Friend: Gary
Sleep Over: ummm Jackie
Guy or Gal Friend: girl
Crush: I'm engaged
Kiss: yesterday
Dance: I...don't...remember
Party: The Lounge
Serious BF/GF: Amtrax
Sexual experience: twice in one day wooooooooo!
Infatuation: new songs
Love: errrrrrr
Break up: Friday Feb 13th 04
Intoxication (alcohol): months ago
Experience with Weed: 4 years this month
Hangover: never!