Mar 22, 2006 10:04
Well spring break was nice, not so much fun as restful, but I am not going to complain. I didn't miss being home at all and I found that once there all I wanted was to be back here. It's funny isn't it, we grow up with certain people and one day we all go to college and those people that you once thought that you couldn't live without aren't as important or as close to you anymore. I find it a good thing not to be so close to the friends that I left back at home, I don't get homesick, I don't think about whether or not I have talked to them in a week or two and I don't feel guilty for having new and better friendships here. That may sound odd but it's true. Back in high school I felt so boxed in to what other people saw me as that I couldn't escape. My friendships here are so much better because I am who I am and no one seems to have a problem with me, if I would have tried to be like the person I am now back in high school I know that no one would be happy because then their world would have to change. They always expected me to be the stable one, the one that everyone could count on, but when I needed someone to just listen to me without interrupting me with their problems again I never found one. How strange is that? I grew up and grew out of those friendships, I'm not sorry that I have distanced myself from everyone and I am not sorry that I came to WVU instead of going somewhere back home. I look at people now who are still with the same people that they have always been with, sure they add and lose a few here and there, but the core is the same. I find it sad that not one of them has managed to escape high school limitations and strike out on their own. As for me I'm doing fine, it's taken me a long time to understand why I don't want to be friends with some people or why I separated myself from others. I know now that it's because of what makes me who I am, I need people around me that appreciate me, that value my friendship and most of all are there for me unconditionally and I think that I have found that here and that makes this whole change worth it. I've grown into a person that even I admire, I never thought that this person that was inside of me could finally come out and not have to worry about how all my friends would react to the new stronger and different me. Does this make sense? who knows really.. that's enough psychology for today I think