Mar 06, 2006 12:54
It's Monday again, but thankfully it's the last week of classes before spring break. I am so excited to go home I can't tell you!
Last night was chapter and being supportive like Alison asked Marjie and I also went to the pledge meeting. I find it hard to believe that soo many people who join APO don't go to meetings and bitch about things that they don't even witness. I mean I know that I am not all about APO every minute of everyday but I know that I am commited to making an impact in some way to this chapter. I don't know why but some of our members really bug me, I like them sure but they annoy me in their unwillingness to change. For instance, over the past couple of semesters we have been having a problem with people siging up for projects and not going or taking their name of the list the day before. I understand that there are emergencies, but in most cases they either forget because no one calls them or they just don't feel like going. I feel as if stronger measures need to be put in places to stop this. I know that people think that if you make it to where people are being docked hours, or writing letters to the place they didn't show up to or even fining them that people will simply stop siging up for projects. But if they have a problem with showing up then they should face some kind of consequnce, not just someone talking to them. It doesn't work, believe me. I know that in the past I have missed projects because I didn't feel like going, and didn't feel bad because I knew nothing would happen to me. And that is what the problem is, if I had know for instance that there would have been a consequence to my absence I wouldn't have missed. I think that people are joining APO for all the wrong reasons. They think that once they join they can do whatever they want and if they sign up and don't go to projects to them it's not a big deal. I think that our executive board needs to take a long look at how they are going to deal with this.