Plot-Bunnies are biting my feet!

Apr 15, 2006 12:30

Alright... This is a bit quick for an update (not even an hour since my last), but this is something I've been tossing around in my head for a few days. It's an interesting set of ideas... I doubt I would actually do any of them though. Maybe I can get someone to draw a few of the concepts though... ^_^

Now, this is all fusion ideas, basically taking the characters from Universe A and planting them into Universe B, and visa-versa. I know it's something that's been done before, but I'm not doing it for "Whee! I can make Ed into Harry Potter, complete with most of Harry's characteristics and personality! :D". Rather, I've been wracking my brain to see ways of fitting the characterization, and how to keep everyone acting like their original counterparts.

I have three ideas so far, for the switches: Chrno Crusade/Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach/GetBackers, and Naruto/Card Captor Sakura. Right now, I'll outline the B-GB idea, as that's the one that seems to fit best in my mind.

-The name for the Bleach->GetBackers concept would change, as a lot of importance is placed on the "Do you know why the initials are G and B"-sort of comments by Ginji and Ban. It's been changed to fit with Ichigo and Rukia's initials (well... Rukia's at least. For Ichigo, the "First" is a take on the start of his name, Ichi (translation: one))
-Getbackers->Bleach has the same name though, as I still haven't figured out why Kubo named the series Bleach. I think it's a take off the differences between the living world and the world of the ghosts, in which everything looks washed out... But even then, that's only a guess.
-Powers would also reverse in this switch, along with the others.

First Retrival:
-Probably would up the ages about three or four years... Get the characters out of high-school age. (Even if HS is optional in Japan, it may be odd to have young teens basically homeless) Not surw what I'll do for the Subaru though... Maybe have one of them with a scooter? (I can't see Ichigo being able to drive in this... And the thought of Rukia with a car just makes me do this: o_o)

-Ichigo and Rukia are the main pair of characters, in this variant. Ichigo is the former Lightning Emperor of Soul Society. Rukia, she's the one with Snake-bite Grip and the Jagan, a former student of Yoruichi.

-For the role of Paul Wan, that will be Isshin Kurosaki! :D Instead of the Honky Tonk, he has the family clinic, in which the characters often end up there as he feeds them and often ends up bandaging them up. (In payment, he often either glomps them and saying things like "Daddy will take care of you both! :D" or... Attacking them, to keep them on their toes!) Karin and Yuzu would still be his daughters, and at least one of them would be a nurse in training.

-Another possible role for Paul would be Urahara. In that case, it'd be his shop that would be the "Honky Tonk" replacement, with the characters having a massive debt for destroyed merchandise or something.

On Soul Society:
-Soul Society is the Mugenjou of this series. The major differences, in appearance, makes the giant sky-scrappers look like a cross between a modern building and an asian-style castle.

-There are two major sections of Soul Society: Rukogai and Seireitei. Rukogai is a cross between the Belt Line with Lower Town. Most of Ichigo's influence was here, up to the ten highest sectors of Rukogai. Seireitei, however, was out of his reach, so there's not much known about that section.

-Rukogai is still seperated into 80 parts, with the lowers ones dangerous hell-holes and the upper levels quite nice. In fact, the levels may be seperating by the floors of the buildings and the landscape. (Ichigo probably started from the bottom levels first.)

The Four Kings, and those Similar:
-Chad will definitely be in Shido's role. Probably one of the first people to follow Ichigo out of Mugenjou. I'm not sure who would be in Madoka's role (probably, for the sake of crack, I'll use Ryo Sanaeda (I think that's how her name is spelt), and change the Madoka plots from "blind musician" to "serious professional runner"). It comes out of no where... But, as of this point, Chad's biggest interactions have been mostly based on protecting people weaker than him, and helping Ichigo. Not many romantic subplots. :/

-Ishida, as Kadsuki. ... Alright, this one is, indeed, cracky. I'm leaving his hair as short, except a long extension by the side of his head, with the bell/strings thing going. He's probably more tense with Ban!Rukia than Chad would be (Chad has no reason to argue with Rukia, save for "Crap, you stole the Raitei!").

-Hitsugaya as MakubeX. I think this one fits, despite only being introduced to Hitsugaya recently. He, like MakubeX, is a child protegy, probably the youngest of the cast, and has a love interest who's older than he is. He seems a bit more snarky than Maku-chan is though, and more argumentative. May change the whole Mugenjou Arc, with his actions. Need to see more on him.

-Kukaku as Masaki! :D Come on... Who wouldn't want a badass, one-armed, fire-work-using warrior woman as one of your highest generals? Or a father figure for that matter! (Thumbs up) Kukaku would probably be a lot more active than MAsaki was, in the manga... Probably would attempt to hunt down Ichigo and drag him, by his ear, back to Soul Society.

-Keigo as Emishi. (Smiles) I know he doesn't really do much, in compared to other Bleach characters... But I love the image of Keigo as Emishi. That amuses me like you don't believe. And his and Chad's interactions would be about as much fun as Emishi's and Shido's. :3

-Hinamori as Sakura. I know it's sad that I'm listing Sakura!Momo before who's Juubei... But I'm not too sure on the Juubei. ^^;; I do think Hinamori would work as Sakura though. Sweet girl, has some combat abilities, and she and MakubeX!Hitsugaya are cute together!

-Renji as Juubei. ... Alright, that's weird. Especially keeping coupling implication, in which case this story ships Renji/Ishida. Still, Renji is damned loyal, and did attack the person who he most cared about, like Juubei did with Kadsuki. :3 I think this works out. And it also means that, amusingly, Rukia gets along with Renji and constantly fights with his charge/master.

Other Major Characters:
-Chizuru as Hevn-san. She may be too spazzy from the role... But come on. Chizuru hitting on most any girl, and flirting with both her customers and those she highers. (Wouldn't surprise me if many of her clients are chosen because they're cute!)

-Orihime as Himiko. Mostly for the dead-big-brother thing... She probably has a pathological fear of Rukia, and only works with Gin because she may be able to find Rukia this way. (She would never be able to kill Rukia, but she would want answers on what happened). She does well with the perfumes though, and seems to use the non-combat ones most.

-Gin as Akabane. While I do not know much about him, I do know he's basically Akabane with white hair. Creepy, creepy bastard. (Hides behind a table) Not sure if he'll have the "Ginji-kun" thing going with Ichigo...

This is all I can really do, at this time. So, how is this now? ^^;; I think I got most everyone. Can't think of a role for poor Tatsuki-chan or Ganju-kun. Or Hanatarou.

getbleach, first retrival, crossovers, plot-bunnies

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