(no subject)

Feb 19, 2012 15:33

I have been meaning to post these for quite a while, but I just never wanted to get on the computer after I got home from working on a computer for like, nine hours.

It started out with me texted some haikus to people, and then a couple texting them back. I like the challenge of trying to say something with a limited amount of syllables and have it still sound like it's grammatically correct.

My inbox is also completely full, so I really really need to preserve them.

I've lost the first ones that I sent! How sad! The earliest one I have is from December the 8th, but I'm pretty sure that I started on the 3rd.

To R:

A friendly face on
the bus makes the ride so much
fun. Have a good night!

I randomly ran into her at the subway station, waiting to catch the bus home. We visited, and it was really nice.

She also shared a link for a sale with cheap overseas shipping, to which I replied:

Five dollar overseas
Is a steal of a deal! Thanks
For sharing the link.

Another day, I sent this to marii_chan on December 9th:

Running late today.
Rounded the corner to see
The back of my bus.

Not feeling like I truly expressed my annoyance at missing my bus, I messaged my room mates.

You are still asleep,
and I've just missed my bus.
Envy is not pretty.

Still waiting for the bus, I texted my mother.

Gently falling snow.
Is it Christmas already?
Excited for home.

Later that day, I texted my sister fly_girl

Finally made it
To the library. Looking
Forward to a book.

She told me that haiku was a stretch.

I countered with:

Five seven and five,
Must every haiku discuss
A cherry blossom?

Which I quite liked, actually.

I also texted my friend sajex. Good thing I have unlimited texting!

First week of work done,
I'm already late. Why is
This show so difficult?

(The quota was a little unreasonable, but they gave us all the time and help we needed to complete it. And it looks great!)

My sister haikued me back, at least, I'm pretty sure this was supposed to be a haiku.

No, but your splitty
Sentences make for
Confusion for me!

I gently corrected her with:

A middle line needs
Seven syllables I think.
Sorry for the sentences!

The next day, I was walking down the street and saw something that prompted yet another haiku to my sister fly_girl

Strolling by myself...
Quick! Punchbuggy, no returns!
Childhood memories.

On the fourteenth of the month, my friend sajex texted me:

Flash crashed whilst saving
Three days of hard work was lost
My file is corrupt.

I replied:

Flash! I have no words
To express my sincerest
Condolences. Argh!

It seemed to help:

My dear friend A--*
Writes a humourous haiku
And makes me smile.

A--* has two syllables.

I was thankful that she was joining in my haiku game!

I'm pleased as punch
That my dear friend T--*
Wrote me two haikus.

*her name is two syllables, so it works. Well, I counted 'pleased' as two syllables, as well as 'friend', but I think both could perhaps be one.

I also had bought a bunch of teeny tiny little sweet oranges, which my father has bought for us the past few years. I must have been talking about this to him earlier, because I texted a haiku about that to him.

May I interest
You in the tiniest of
Fine, sweet oranges?

I ended that one with 'an (awkward) haiku', because I wasn't pleased with the last line.

Later that night, I had to go to the store to buy an ingredient for some christmas cookies I was baking. I had just got off the phone with my father, but wanted to share this with him:

Guy in front of me
Was buying molasses too!
Only at Christmas.

It was nice, the guy and I had a conversation in line. He was also making gingerbread!

The 16th, after work, I had to share a cool event with my sister flygirl

The Toronto life:
Working away. Suddenly!
End of my leash guy.

Turns out one of the guys at the office knows him. This is also the edited version, after my sister pointed out that it was missing a syllable in the first line. The shame!

On the 17th, I was working on the baby quilt for my sister Aysel's new baby. My mother is my main crafting support, so I sent her

I was dreading this!
But you know what? It is done!
The fabric is cut out.

It was a triumphant haiku.

To my sister flygirl, very late that night:

Working on the quilt-
Time to break out the big guns!
Ooh, Mister Darcy!

(The picture was implied.) She felt that this was my best one yet!

On the 20th of December, I saw this in the morning and was laughing so hard to myself, I had to share it.

'Ghetto D' licence
On a Hyundai Hybrid,
Asian man driving.

It was amazing.

Not quite a haiku, but I thought I should also share my grandmother's poem for 2012:

"It's all going to be swell-v in twenty twelve!"

... I come by this honestly.

On January the 11th, I texted marii_chan about the heat 'n bond I needed to buy, but despaired of actually finding.

My heat 'n bond quest
Hath achieved completion.
It is twir-rific!'

Twir-rific, of course, is from Men in Tights.

On the 13th, it snowed so much. So much.

Gently falling snow,
A pleasure I've missed but...
Can my bus come now?

I wound up waiting for about forty five minutes, and then just walking to the station.

On the 14th of January, early in that sunday morn, my friend R was walking with me to the bus. She went home while I waited, and I wanted to let her know that I was alright and on the bus.

My jacket crinkles
In the January air-
The bus has arrived.

I was trying to evoke more a feeling of the cold temperature and the lateness of the night.

On the 17th, I texted my friend N:

I know I'm sick when
A bolthouse just doesn't seem
A huge expense.

They are so good. I love the Vitamin C ones when I'm sick. She replied with

Heh, well drink and get better
-not a haiku

Hey, wait a second...

On the 20th, it was dress up friday at work. It was the last one that C, the guy who'd instituted it, would be there. I wanted to make it special. I wound up wearing my bridal shower dress and fancy 'Royal Wedding' hat from a friends wedding.

I then wanted to share this with her.

Dress up Friday is
A perfect chance to show off
A flowery hat.

On the 27th, I received one from sajex:

Sitting in transit,
An unpleasant smell drifts in,
Ick, cheap cigarettes.

To which I replied:

Waiting for the bus.
It pulls up, closes its doors.
I barely made it!

She also used haikus to cheer up a friend who had recently had a tragedy in his life, but I won't share those.

On the 29th, we went out to Winterlicious. It was lots of fun, and I got home early enough to send this message to my friend M. O.

Great time with friends,
Early enough for slayers,
Sort of like heaven.

To which she replied:

Playing Skyrim still,
trying to kill a dragon,
Getting my ass kicked.

I thought it was hilarious!!

On the 30th, the snow was falling like crazy. I wanted to share this with my sister, who is living in Western Canada, and always makes fun of the weather out east here.

Wow it's coming down,
Finally looks like winter.
I've always liked snow!

That was a really cool day because:

Riding the streetcar,
Complimented a Jayne hat.
Nice to make a day!

The guy had that hat since April, and no one had said anything yet! It was a nice trip.

February the 2nd, I needed to let my sister Aysel know that I was out of the subway, and she could call me.

In the open air,
Eager to receive a call
From my dear sister.

Which I actually quite liked.

On the 3rd, I needed some information from my Dad about my taxes that I had asked him about a month ago. How to gently remind him? I tried a haiku.

A daughter wonders:
On my taxes from last year,
What was the address?

It didn't work, I had to call him anyway.

That evening on the way home from work, I shared my Friday night plans with my sister fly_girl

Exciting Friday!
Waiting for the bus to come,
And then Slayers Try!

It was awesome.

Riding the streetcar the next day, on my way to see Avenue Q with some friends, I sent this to her as well.

A phone rings near me,
It's a Mario sound.
I smile and miss you.

Her phone uses a mario theme, and it made me a little homesick.

At the theatre, my friend N and I composed this one to send to marii_chan

I made it here early,
For once! N--* has joined me,
We feel virtuous!

My friend N's name is two syllables. Also, marii_chan claims that we were silly to send something to her phone, which was pretty much broken. I swear she told me that she was going to get a new one! And she had a new one at that point, so she could read it anyway!

And isn't that the point, in the end?

That evening, cezann, marii_chan and I hung out until R and T joined us. We chatted for a while, and then cezann and I went home. But first! We composed a haiku:

Thank you for coming,
We enjoyed your company.
Let's do this again!

It was nice to compose a haiku with someone. We didn't get a reply, and I was worried that the number I had in my phone was wrong, since I had just got it. I sent another haiku to R, who's number I knew was right.

A haiku was sent
To my brand new contact T--*,
Was the number right?

*T has one syllable.

I got a reply! R said

Your haiku received: T--* appreciated the poem; I have no enter.

It was all on one line.

T replied:

Thanks for the haiku
It has made my night brighter
hope to see you soon.

cezann also waited with me for my bus, which was very nice of her.

I'm home already,
Thank you for waiting with me,
You are a good friend.

(I totally wasn't rubbing in that I was already home, and that she probably had a half hour to go.)

During that day, cezann and my sister fly_girl had a bit of a conversation in texts which was pretty hilarious. Since I want to save it for posterity, here it is.

cezann said 'Hiiii how r things. I am watching avenue q. How is the baby. Did I ever mention u r an awesome sister.' I added that it was from my friend cezann, who had no idea where any punctuation mark other than the period was!

Later, cezanna sent "Hey, this is your sister. After a life changing event, I relized how lucky to have a sister like you. Also you own me $50. Hugs and kisses."

And fly_girl replied: "Unfortunately, I also had a life changing event and I am now bankrupt. You will have to find your 50$ somewhere else."

I had to thank her for being nice.

The reply you sent
Was very well received.
You are a good sport.

On the 6th, sajex texted me:

Five in the evening,
The sun still shines upon us,
Spring is on its way.

Which was nice, but I was playing on the internet too late that night, so I tiredly replied:

Evening commute:
A second train whizzes past;
Always the wrong way.

For those of us stuck with public transit, it's so true, right? There are like, three buses/streetcars/trains that go by the other way. Always! I also told her that I was up late on the internet. She sent me:

Oh the internet,
How vast and deep its secrets.
How it eats our time.

On the 8th, sajex texted me:

Small lot, giant rooms.
It's bigger on the inside!
Tardis house for sale.

On the 11th, I was in a new part of the GTA. The bus turned onto a road that was only for busses, so I texted cezann to share my joy of discovery.

In North York there are
Secret, forbidden roadways.
I feel like a spy.

She uh, didn't quite get it.

The reason I was in the new part of town was to check out the archives of Ontario, where you can see birth certificates and stuff. My sister fly_girl was interested in what I would find out.

Off to the archives,
To see what I can learn.
It's an adventure!

On the 13th-ish, my sister Aysel sent me a picture of her new baby.

I'm bored at work,
Suddenly, a cute picture!
What a nice surprise.

Yesterday, I had to go to Loblaws to buy some things quite late at night.

Twenty four hours,
Loblaws is open for us.
Why did the cash close?

And that lets me empty out my inbox!

So if you want to text me a haiku, I will text you one back. It's fun! Let's have a party!


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