Day one.

Feb 28, 2011 10:25

I'm just downloading everything right now, setting up the directories in my drive. I haven't got any scenes yet, apparently? That's a little bit lame, I'm ready to start now, I'm already a little anxious about getting behind.

On to better news! My birthday party was a lot of fun. I had Rae and RJ, marii_chan, gishkishenh, and even psycho_sailor! She was able to come in to town, which was great, since I haven't seen her in *forever*.

gishkishenh, psycho_sailor and I watched my cousin curl for a little bit, and then everyone else showed up in a big clump and we played some munchkin! There were four of us who were one monster fight away from winning, FOUR! And then Rae drew a sock puppet, level 1. So we all pilled monsters onto that, so she couldn't beat it, only to realise... You can't. Not on a sock puppet, it stands ALONE. So she won by beating a level one sock puppet. LAME.

We had a lasagna that I bought from M and M meats, and some onion petals. I was talking to my grandmother a few weeks ago, and she was going on about these onion petals. "Oh!" I says. "They're like deep fried onions?" She was so impressed that I knew all about them, and then went on to say just how good they were. The conversation moved on.

When I opened up my birthday card from her, lo and behold! Money, with a note saying 'go and buy some onion petals'. And so I did, Grandma. So I did.

After that, we had a choice of two cakes or some butter tarts. All were delicious!!

On Saturday, I hung out with robocluck for the afternoon/evening. We watched the rifftrax of the first two twilights, as well as went out for ramen!

She wanted to power through all three movies, but we just didn't have time before the subways stopped, so I couldn't. ;___; That's coming! Movie three, be there or be square!

Yesterday, I made sure that everything worked for my work set up, and then went to Snakes and Lattes for some board gaming fun!! Next time, I think I'll look up two player games to play, and then see which ones they have. Ones that we played:

Operation. Specifically, SPIDERMAN operation. It didn't have all the pieces or any of the cards, but we just wanted to take the little bits out of him. My favourite? The golf club in his crotch. I think it was a costume wedgie. Stay classy, marvel. sajex won.

Then we played Snap! It's like Carcassonne, in that you have these pieces with different coloured dragon bodies on them that you have to fit together. The pieces are rectangles though, not squares, so you can wind up with some funky ways of joining things together. It was fun, but we needed a bigger table than we had. I won that game!

After, on the recommendation of one of the employees, we played original Carcassonne. I've played this one before, so explained to Terri how it works. Playing with two people is definitely different than playing with more! You get to build up your own things more, without other people messing it up. Or perhaps we're both too nice. I managed to score more than thirty points with my spectacular farming, so I won that one by like twenty points. But it was her first time playing. Does that even count, then?

Next was a game called Hive. It's a kind of chess based game where you have tiles that you lay next to each other, without a board. Each different kind of insect can move in a different way, and you're trying to protect your queen bee while surrounding the other player's queen. It's also neat that if the other player's queen is partly surrounded by their own players as well as your own, you still win. So you have to be careful how you deal with your queen, because you could help the other player win! It was really fun, I liked it. I won two of the three games we played.

sajex wanted to play connect 4, so we did! Unfortunately, the game was slightly broken, be we were able to make it work. I won all the games! (Replace won with 'lost', and it's closer to the truth. Darnit.)

We played a game called Thinkblot, which was fun. I think it'd be more fun with more people, but what can you do? This one has a bunch of different pages with inkblots on them. You roll the die to see just what you're supposed to be seeing, and then look. The different categories were 'food, glorious food', 'wearables', 'creatures', and anything. We kept getting categories, even though there were more blots than anything else on the die. sajex won that one.

Lastly, we played Lego Creationary, which could have been more fun than it was. Again, I think with more players, it would have been cool. Also, perhaps more pieces. One I'd pick up at a value village sale, but likely not for full price. Since this game is for a minimum of three players, we couldn't really keep score.

So all of that fun, for five dollars each! It was also *packed*, next time I might call ahead.

For supper, we had Thai/Vietnamese food. I had a curry combo thing, that came with a mango salad and what I want to say is a 'tom thumb' soup, though I know that's not it at all. It was spicy and lemony, really good. I was less fond of the curry, but I did like the chinese eggplant that was in there. And the chicken was really good!

Then I came home, and watched curling. This is the best link I could find to the last end. Go to about 15 minutes in if you want to see the last shot, suspenseful!! You can also go to the TSN curling site, and click on the first video there, the highlights. At about fifty seconds in, look at what happened! It was such a nail biter, it was so cool!!

For a video that you can frame by frame through to see when someone's heart breaks, simpsons style, check out the first link at nineteen minutes in. They show the reaction shot of Jennifer Jones as she's watching that last rock go down the ice.


And that's everything!
Then I got to see my uncle and aunt

fun, links, holiday

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