Yes, I *know* I don't have a job quite yet...

Feb 13, 2011 10:41

And shouldn't be spending silly money, but COME ON. Who *doesn't* want this shirt??

With postage, it was like 13$ for one shirt. So excited!!

I just realised... I should add in my adventure yesterday.

So marii_chan asked me if I wanted to go to J-Town with her, because she'd heard it was a neat Japanese market place. So we made the trek, up to where the subway ends and then *further* north. The bus we were waiting for was supposed to come every six minutes, which was why it was okay that we missed the one that pulled up while we were checking its route. Not a long wait, right?

WRONG. It was like, half an hour. Ree-diculous. And then the bus was *packed*, because there were four bus loads of people waiting!

So we journeyed onward, and eventually made our way to J-Town. Which was... Kind of lame. D: I did get to buy a japanese drink that no one ever seems to stock over here, so I was happy.

Whilst we were perusing the two-decade old manga, I quietly suggested that marii_chan google the nearest T&T, and see if there was one nearby. She did, and it was only 27 minutes away! We bought some food, since both of us were starving, and started the trek.

First off, google's walking speed and my walking speed are two different speeds. Secondly, they don't seem to clear sidewalks very often. The first one was completely covered with blowing snow, and the next one we had to take had a cat clearing it partway, and then it suddenly just decided it didn't want to clear anymore? We were walking along a sidewalk, and then before we got to the next parking lot entrance, there was this huge hump of snow that we had to navigate.

It was special.

So we finally make it to T&T International Trading, and my fears were confirmed, it was some kind of office. NOOOO!

marii_chan was surprised, because her friend had told her about the T&T near where we were, so she knew there had to be one SOMEwhere. After checking out the actual T&T website, she finds it. On with the walking!! In the snow. And the wind. With the -12C windchill. Sigh.

But our perseverance paid off!! Not only did we get to sing 'We're the best! Around!!', but we got to get SO MANY delicious asian snacking foods. And some really good noodles that you just soak in cold water for 15 minutes, which seems really easy to do. :D

Then we went to R's for a par-tay, and played some Munchkin. I was UNFAIRLY PREJUDICED AGAINST because my race was Elf, and I got a level for every person I helped win a battle. No one would let me help!

So, this ONE time, I wanted to help beat a monster. After being told 'no', I replied with "You'd *better* let me help, or I'm going to mess with this!" I was told that my help wasn't needed, and my threats weren't impressive. So BAM! I laid down a card that bumped up the monster's levels by 10!

"Can I help now?" I ask. More of them joined against me!! It was horrible! "You'd BETTER let me help,' I warned, 'Because I could STILL mess you up."

My help scorned, I played a wandering monster card, with a level nineteen monster! Now they had to beat a level 29 attack.

"Can I help NOW?" I asked. "I can totally help out! I can bring this monster down!!"

Instead of gracefully accepting that I was awesome and deserved to help (and get the level as well), they ALL UNITED AGAINST ME. So everyone got a sparkly fairy card for helping out (a munchkin add on) and I got NOTHING.


Later on in the game, I got to play the card I would have used. It reduced the monster five levels! If only the monster was more than the combined levels of everyone, I could have TOTALLY helped out!!

TL;DR, it was awesome.

Except that I lost SIX LEVELS and should have WON. WON I SAY!!!!

I think I'll have to buy a basic munchkin set, it was lots of fun.

games, day-to-day, party

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