Just me?

Feb 09, 2010 16:05

We went to see the Godfather parts 1 and 2 last night, and my god, that was a long time to sit in a movie theatre. Amazing movies, but lo-ong. Also, once I saw this, I couldn't *un*see it. We'll see just how close it really is, once I put the images of the two actors side by side here:

Al Pacino:

Jonathan Togo (Ryan Wolfe from CSI: Miami)

Ehhh? Ehhhh?

Okay, so they aren't BROTHERS or anything, but the eyes! I swear. Maybe it's just because we got to the movie theatre for the 6:20 show, and weren't out of there until twenty to one!

Actually, those two pictures work better than the ones I had to begin with. *I* can see the resemblance.

Only one film left: Wrath of Khan.

Funny story from yesterday, too. I guess it must be the time for the Mormons to send out their kids on missions, because I had two groups of mormon guys going through my till. The first time, I only noticed after I had talked to them for a second that they were wearing nametags saying 'elder' whatever, and that they were wearing suits. Directly behind them in line? I mean *right after* them?

A nun.

I am not fooling, I nearly laughed out loud right there in the store.

I also got a whole bunch of old nickels for my mom! I am so pleased by this. One of them, a 1947 nickel, even has a dot after the date! Which I read makes it worth slightly more.

Granted, none of them are in spectacular shape, but she'll really like them.

Oh! I also got a V nickel, which I thought was really neat.

It's one of these coins, though certainly not as shiny.

The reason I thought it was so neat is because they recently remade these coins, to celebrate the end of WWII.

So now I can see both of them!
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