Ahhh, Heroes.

Nov 24, 2009 09:38

Late post is late. P:

Herooooes! \o/ It's been a few hours, but let's see what I can recall.

- I never want to tick Hiro off. He kind of scared me with his anger towards Samuel. xD But aww, his devotion to Charlie, and his line: "Naked woman! You are trying to seduce me!" XD He is adorable.
- I KNEW IT. I knew Samuel killed Joseph. And blaming it on Edgar? So evvviiiiil. Samuel, Samuel, Samuel. I never know what to expect from you.
- Strange Lauren woman was back, but I can forgive it because it made for a hilariously awkward turkey dinner. xD Sandra's boyfriend, whom I cannot remember the name of, fainting at Claire was hysterical. And Claire losing it and cutting her arm was hysterical, too, in a sad sense. She's feeling so lost that she doesn't know what to do...
- Mr. Muggles found love! I'm glad at least one relationship on Heroes has worked out in the end. xD You know, without one part of it ending up dead or disappeared or... related.
- The Petrelli scenes were THE BEST in the entire episode. Hands down. They were absolutely tension filled and amazing, and when Nathan and Sylar started having that internal struggle... I just loved it! <3

And can I just say Peter in the next episode? OMG. OMG. The summary does say "Peter goes to extreme measures to get what he wants," but I didn't expect THAT. Vengeful Peter is incredibly sexy. Mmmm. Makes me think of some kind of weird mix between Peter Petrelli and Milo's character Ted Grey from Pathology. Very nice.

But yes. :D Great episode, as per usual.

tv: heroes

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