
Dec 20, 2008 01:44

So I started watching the new BBC series, 'Merlin'. It's all rageprufrock's fault, her and her fanfiction!! Yeah, but anyway...

It amuses me how Arthur is basically a blond medieval Dean Winchester, only having grown up without Sam (that would be Merlin's character, btw); thus, he is a huge jerk. Still alright underneath mind, but so freakin' arrogant and pig-headed that you can't really tell at first. (The actor actually looks like a blond British Jensen Ackles, actually, it threw me for a loop the first episode trying to think who he kept reminding me of). In fact, yeah, the whole show can kind of be explained in terms of Supernatural.

King Uther, obvs, = Papa Winchester
Arthur = Dean
Merlin = Sam (he and Arthur are about the same age in this retelling)
Great Dragon= Er, possibly the yellow-eyed demon, only more benevolent? Although we don't really know what G.D. would do if he weren't chained up in the basement, so... (ooo, ooo, it also fits because Merlin's eyes go all gold when he does magic!)
Gaius = Bobby
Magic = Demons

Obviously the Dean/Sam relationship is a little different just because the first episode is the first time Arthur and Merlin meet (they have a huge fight when they meet, by the way, something about Arthur being a bullying asshat), but it's coming along nicely and I predict will be pretty much in place, at this rate, by episode 5 or 6 at the latest. So, basically Uther hates magic with a burning passion and has anyone found practicing it executed. Arthur and Merlin stumble upon evil magic-doers and, well, do away with them. Of course, Uther et al. have no idea that Merlin is actually magic (Uther is raising Arthur in this by the way, not Sir Ector). Gaius helps them along and provides useful facts/wisdom etc.  The Great Dragon keeps trying to persuade Merlin that he has a 'great destiny' to fulfil along with Arthur. Also it squicks me the way Morgana and Arthur keep flirting, DUDE THEY ARE HALF-SIBLINGS. And since apparently (okay so I read some spoilers) Mordred already exists in this retelling, there is NO REASON for them to behave in this way. Seriously, even though obviously Uther is trying to avoid a scandal, you'd think he'd at least take Arthur aside and spill the beans so they would STOP THIS. It is only one small, small degree away from Luke/Leia. Anyways...I am liking it pretty well so far, just looking at pictures I was thinking that Merlin's actor is a funny-lookin' guy but it actually kind of works since he's playing kind of the nerd-type, also I think he is just the type of person that always looks funny in pictures. Also, Anthony Stewart Head plays Uther!! Alas, even with the amazing ASH on board, I still kind of hate Uther because he is a total PRICK.   So, anyway, I'm thinking I will keep up with this show, but probably only to read the fanfic. Yay FANFIC!

merlin, fangirling

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