Another annoying...

Dec 13, 2007 01:15 animals are so cute post. But I can't help it! They are!

Had new cinnamon BP, Bark, out tonight for the first time, really, since I've had him. I have concluded: baby BPs are kind of like reptilian puppies. First, they're super cute. They have little button eyes and tiny little scales and...yeah, they're cute. Then, he decided to go to the bathroom on me (not so cute, but, again, like a puppy). Luckily I know the signs and deposited him back in his tub to do his business. Then took him out again when he was through. Then he *went to sleep* on me which was OMG so cute especially because when he woke up he *yawned* and there is nothing cuter than a yawning Ball Python, especially a baby one. Or maybe that's just me. Anyway, Bark is amazingly cute. He can probably kill a mouse just by being cute at it, that's how cute he is.

All other critters are going strong. Except the hamster, who died the day after I made the sick hamster post. RIP Matilda.

The mice will be two years old in March. Mice are only supposed to live about 18 months. What gives, mice? You guys are unkillable. We could breed a new strain of supermice from you if you weren't already too old to breed. Yeah.

I set up the geckos in Stick's old 20 gallon instead of the 10 that they were in and gave them all kinds of cool tiles and things to play on. It's nifty. Also I'm going to start breeding RootxEdamaru next week if all goes well. Wish me luck!

geckos, rats, snakes, mice

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