Jan 22, 2007 01:48
Dear Friends of Sassafras Grove,
We welcome you to join us for our Brigantia (Imbolc)rite on Saturday, February 3, 2007 at 7:00 PM. The rite will be held at Friend's Meeting House, 4836 Ellsworth Avenue in the Shadyside/Oakland section of the City of Pittsburgh. All Grove members, Pagans and Pagan-friendly people are welcome to attend.
As is our tradition, we devote our Brigantia rite to Brighid, Patroness of our Grove, beloved goddess of hearth and home, nursemaid, healer, protectress and patron goddess of poets and smiths.
You may want to bring:
*A candle you would like to dedicate to Brighid, preferably blue or white (extras will be provided).
*Your Bratog Brighid to be blessed by the goddess during the rite *see below*
*A pinch of the *ashes* of your Yule greens to add to the Brighid Shrine
*A small amount of “sacred waters” you may have that you would like to add to the major water offering to Brighid
*Praise offerings to Brighid. Music, artwork, poetry, food, and crafts are most appropriate. Quiet words of thanks are always appropriate as well.
*A dish or snack to share after the rite.
As always our rites are free and open to the Community, but we do rely on the donations of those who are able to defray the cost of space rental and ritual supplies. We are lucky to be in such a beautiful space for this rite, but it is also a rather costly space. Remember, even a dollar can help make the difference between having our costs covered and Grove members having to pay them out of our own pockets. Support your local Druids!
Please turn off all cell phones & beepers prior to the start of the rite. If your phone call disrupts the rite, Brighid's father, the Dagda, will whomp you with his mighty club that's sooooo big he has to drag it around on cart-wheels!
Articles explaining our theme and much more can be found at our website www.sassafrasgrove.org. Follow the links to the "Next Up" page. Please send any questions to info@sassafrasgrove.org. Someone will get back to you soon.
Bright Blessings,
Scribe, Sassafras Grove, ADF
Pittsburgh, PA
*A "Bratog Brigid" or Brigid's Mantle, is a blue or white cloth or shawl that has been blessed by Brigid on Brigantia/Imbolc. Traditionally, a Bratog Brigid is hung by the hearth, or from the door-knob on Brigid's Eve. Before the family retires for the night, a small bed is made in a basket by the hearth. As the family goes to bed, the man of the house calls out from the front-door, "Brigid, your bed is ready!" When the she enters the home, the cloth is blessed by the goddess, and it carries her healing grace for the coming year.