(no subject)

Nov 05, 2009 21:03

It's been a while since I posted, bad me!

Also rorschach_inc, I think that story just kinda came into being because it's kind of like... the only unidentified sound in your head? I mean, even if you've got a song stuck in your head, at least you know what it is... But the beeps, I really don't know where they come from!
(I'm sorry, I'm bad at answering these kind of questions, especially if I don't have time to think about the answer. XD)

Let's see...

Ok, iloveasecretcode on dA kinda got me hooked to tinierme. It's... really just a avatarsite, so I kinda hate her for it.
But all is forgiven because there are hotpants, and those make me happy.

myyy Selfy, she's wearing bushy eyebrows now! yay!

and her selfy

oh hey xcandy_gothx if you want to I can draw yours too? since you're in the hotpants alliance!

Feel free to ignore this, I don't care about other people's avatar drawings either! (like gaia art? uh...)

Is the first page, still gotta scan the second one but i'm lazy...
I'm still thinking, should I color this or not?

So then I made the window drawing for the vipi find it here in case you hadn't seen it yet, which made me decide I wanted to do some art of all three the kids! So I can use those on my portfolio later as well.

This is the wip for the first one! feel free to comment on some stuff, but keep in mind it's a wip. (so please, no obvious crap like: uh the background could use more detail, orz)
I really wanna make em good though, so I'll try to make it more detailed than the window one....

Is that it?
I guess so!
Here's a yukiko sketch I did for the badbadbathhouse to end with:

I suck at being Anon.

oc, tinierme

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