Coming couple of days I'm gonna work on a comic. I've really been too lazy lately, so I set myself some deadlines. XD I've done the designs and storyboard already, so now I'll try to do a page a day~ Setsuna is prolly gonna kick me if I don't do it, so that's good. :D
the characters....
I really wanna make it pretty. gotta design the backgrounds first though, and take another look at the storyboard. =_= I'm not sure if I wanna make it textless or not! On one hand I don't really wanna make it harder than it is, but on the other hand... there's only one line to begin with! ... Not sure how I can avoid it.
Maybe I should get the panelling done a bit more proper so I can ask people for advise? Right now I doubt anyone knows what's going on but me, orz.
Misty as she appears in the game and pokémon adventures manga. I love that manga, it just takes me back to the days I would sit in my room and think out wonderful plans to train my pokémon! orz, never mind.
She has a Muk because I asked Bram what to draw. orz;
Is a loli, because I wanted to practiceeee with paint, but I got bored halfway, lol ;__;
My entry for this week's vipi: australia!
this is the upside down one. Apparently I'm unable to come up with Australia clichés, and I couldn't stop thinking about how it's on the other side of the world. so yea
Sketch and test for the colours... I wanted to make another picture of Lonicera! I'm still not sure how I'm gonna get this one done... orz;
Hopefully the next post will contain pages of the comic :D