Another case of a fully grown man pissing himself

May 03, 2015 14:11

The Mirror (2014)

In case anyone is keeping a tally, this makes a total of three movies on this journal so far that focus on a fully grown adult person pissing not in a toilet or bush or other such makeshift toilet thing. Unless you count a suitcase as an acceptable fake toilet, in which case the tally is only two.


So this is another god forsaken "found footage" style piece of lukewarm okayness that opens with a contest of some sort that you need to audition for (does that make sense) where you send in a video of some kind of paranormal activity and win a buttload of cash. Fine. So this trio buys an allegedly haunted mirror thinking that it is in no way evil and only a little haunted and would never in a million years make them cut their own eyes out.

Wrong. So wrong.

Now I hate the fuck out of mirrors already so I laid eyes on that thing and knew there was a whole team of assholes tossing shit into this industrial sized fan. People, when an object is haunted, hanging it in your house is not going to give you the best experiences of your life. No. It's going to make you hunt down total strangers with a god damn kitchen knife. Or maim yourself silly. So fuck that shit. Fuck mirrors. No.

genre: found footage, rating: ehhhhh, genre: supernatural, rating: mirrordeath, * movie, you should: not cut your eyes out, language: english, you should: not buy mirrors, genre: horror, you should: try it

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