The Fairy AU!

Aug 02, 2008 11:28

Title: The Fairy AU!
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Rating:  PG-13 for now because of the swearing
Disclaimer: I don't own them etc.
Summary:  All Gerard really wanted to do was to be able to take care of himself without his parents unlike his brother. Even if that meant slaving away at  some job that he didn't even like, stressing over bills, and having no friends. He was okay with that.

Happy birthday Tosha, this is my present to you!

The Fairy

Gerard rushed down high st. running as fast as he could. He knew if he ran any slower or stopped or did anything that could mess up the speed he was going, he was screwed. He would miss the 1 o'clock bus and would have to wait another 45 minutes till the next one came, and Gerard knew he couldn't do that, for the sake of his job. He had been late over 3 times that week, and the last time his boss had even warned him that if he came in late again that he shouldn't even bother coming back. He still needed to pay the rent the apartment as well as the electric, water, and cable bills by next week. He had so much to worry about, but he really didn't have a 'life'. Not a life like his brother who had friends, went partying all the time, was successful(in his own mind). Gerard just couldn't seem to do anything for him for awhile now. He had too much to worry about, he had work in the morning, he had to do this and that. Every night after work he would come home to an empty house and make a quick cheap dinner.

He had managed to not trip over anything or get hit by a car, deep down he was giving a victory shout and dance. He was actually making it to work on time. Even though he was probably fucking up the soles of his new black business shoes by running in them like that, but at the moment he didn't give a fuck. He just wanted to get on that bus.

His eyes were first met with the bus stop sign, then came the group of people crowding around the pole and bench. Gerard slowed his pace, and came to a erupt stop, bending over slightly to catch his breath. He had ran from the north side to the short north, he really needed a car. He smiled to himself and wiped the sweat from his forehead, it was starting to make his hair damp and nasty, and he knew how his boss hated that. Gerard pulled himself back and suddenly became aware of the eyes that were on him, staring at him curiously. Cause seeing a grown man in a business suit with long black hair who was sweating like crazy was unnatural?

Gerard gave them all a glare before he added his famous eye roll along with the equation before he sat down next to a lady that had to much perfume on. She smelled like roses, daisies, and cotton candy. The strong scent of it all was giving him a headache. The woman seemed to be looking for someone as she twisted around in her seat every few seconds. Every time she moved your heard a channel of jingles.

The weather was bleak and gray from when it had previously rained a few hours ago, as Gerard looked around he noticed that everybody was wearing dull colors, as well as him except the woman that sat next him. She was dressed with purple and gold, her hair was in a loose pony tail. She had gold rings dangling from her arms, and her earrings seemed to lie against her shoulder. Gerard stared at the strange woman for an odd amount of time before the bus arrived and everybody rushed to get on.

Gerard left the woman behind joining the mob of people. The woman had 2 bags and as soon as she reached down to grab her stuff there was already 5 people in front of her, but she didn't seem to mind much. With her wondering eyes, she had a mission and couldn't be bother with a rude people that thought there life was so much more important than everyones else's that they had to push and shove everyone else.

By the time Gerard got on the bus all the seats had been taken, so he had to grab a strap, when he had turned around he saw the woman in purple and gold sitting right behind him. Gerard could of swore that he had gotten on the bus before her, and he was fucking positive that there was no seats available cause he would definitely taken one. But somehow the strange woman had ended up right next to him again. Gerard shook his head and decided that woman wasn't that important to be stressing over, she must of just slipped in, he thought.

The woman looked up at Gerard for the first time, and wondered if he was her guy. She took out her piece of paper, and tried her hardest to read through the messy handwriting.

Your new guy has something hair
He should be on the same bus as you tomorrow.
Dressed up for work.
Has bale skin
His name is Herald.

Give him wishes(make him happy), he really needs it, stay with him until your done. You'll know when it's time to leave. Your purpose is to make this man happy. If you screw up on this don't even bother coming back.                                                            -Boss

Lea crumpled up the note and pushed it back into her bags, not really caring where it went. She looked back up at Gerard and wonder what she was about to do, was going to make her look crazy, especially if he wasn't the guy. If she fucked up this time, she was sure that Ray wouldn't let her come back. No matter how much she begged. She really needed -Herald- so she could pass Fairy school.

She took a deep breath and tugged on Gerard's long black sleeves. Gerard's head shot down at her like a lightening bolt. She always hated this part of the mission. Gerard gave her a questioning look before slowly taking his arm away from her. She cleared her throat and said. "Are you Herald?"

"No I'm Gerard." he said raising one of his eyebrows in curiosity. "Why?"

"Well, I'm a um," Rule #208 Never reveal who you are until your sure that is your person."I'm looking for this guy, but now that i think of it," She hastily digged back into her bag again looking for the note from her boss. When she finally found it she had managed to accidentally tear it while opening the crumpled paper. "Oops" She said blushing deep red. Gerard smiled a little at her, for once he wasn't the one feeling embarrassed it was nice. "I mean I'm looking for that guy, and i can't really read this letter but your name....Gerard sounds a lot like it. And-"

Gerard narrowed his eyes. "Who sent you? Did my brother send you, because I'm gay and I-"

"No no no." She shook her head, her earrings making an odd clanking noise. "I was sent to you, but not by anybody you know." She positive that this was her guy. Ray had given the full profile of the guy, she just wishes she would of listened to him. But she did hear a bit like weird, suspicions, in a hurry, alone, and something about a brother. Maybe she could pass after all. The bus stopped which came to a shock to both of them. Gerard tightened his hold on his coat and made his way to the door. "Hold on, wait!" She called for him, picking up all her stuff and following him out, almost tripping and falling, but she ended up making it seem like she did it all on purpose. "Gerard hold on!"

Gerard turned around and waited for the out of breath strange woman to catch up with him.

"Okay! Thanks!" she said dropping her bags on the sidewalk.

Gerard tucked his hands in his pockets, and stared the woman down, she didn't seem to want to continue. "What the hell do you want, I have to go to work?"

"Well i, er. I'm a fairy Gerard and I've been sent to you, because i was instructed to give you wishes, to like um make you happy and er stuff." Gerard stared opened mouth at the woman, and rolled his eyes. He really didn't need this.

"I really don't need this." How did she even know that he wasn't happy?

"I'm not kidding Gerard i was sent by my boss, I'm supposed to be making your life happy right now. If i don't i won't pass."

"Pass what?"

Lea pursed her lips and shook her head. "I can't tell you that."

"Well just go away." Gerard started to walk away but was pulled back by Lea.

She had a firm grip on him, and Gerard wondered where all that strength hand come from such a small woman. "Please? If you don't wish for something i won't pass." Her eyes were pooling up and they were starting to get that glossy look, and Gerard hated when people cried in front of him, or because of him. He didn't know how to deal with them. Gerard wasn't a sympathizing kind of person, and he definitely do any favors or deal with guilt. " I have to make you happy."

Tearing his arm away from her again, he casted the nastiest look he could muster and said in a low voice. "I wish you would leave me the fuck alone." he walked away as fast as he could regret the words all ready. When he reached the door to his business he looked back to see Lea, but instead he found nobody, not even a trace of where she could of went. He looked up and down the street but found nobody.

gerard, ray, fairies, lea

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