Jun 23, 2008 13:08

we left at the concert like 4:54pm because we got a call from Ayla telling us that there was this long ass line going half way downtown. So we rushed to N.high st and got there in less than 15minutes, which is really good if your going from the south end(where Krystal lives). Anyways we arrived at the Newport and their wasn't even that many people, it kind of made me mad, but i got over it, because Ayla let us have a back ditch behind her, and she was really close. Ayla had her brothers friend with her named brendon, and at first he wouldn't talk, like when Ayla had introduced all of us, he barely even said anything to Krystal and I, but we didn't care.

Like 5 minutes after Krystal went to subway and i went to the bathroom. The whole time we were their in the line, we goofed off like CRAZY! We made friends with this married couple (Robert and his wife) they were so fucking cool. We made sexual jokes, and tried to creep the fuck out of the passerby's while we did the weirdest shit. It was so much fun. That's when Brendon losened up, and started talking, and making his lame jokes.(oh how i wish he would of just kept his mouth closed.)

Toward the end spider and her friend, arrived and back ditched me and krystal but later on they went to the back and started talking to these girls who i met outside the bathroom.(We all used chiptole as the main bathroom, and i went in and their was this line for girls, and i was like fuck that shit, and i went into the men's but before i did that this girl with a pink mohawk and black sides, started talking to me. she was really cool.) One of the girls remind me of tank girl. Anyways so they had talked Spider into asking Ayla if they could come up with us. In my head i was thinking fuck that shit. But Ayla agreed as long they got behind all of us.

When the doors opened i had to grab ahold of Krystal cause i didn't want her to fall behind of anything. Because that would of been fucked up, and she probably would of wanted to me to come with her if she did. so when we got inside i followed Ayla and 'tank girl' but when i looked to the right Krystal was in a way better spot so i went over and joined her. We were so fucking close it was incredible. There was only one girl infront of me the whole time.

It took so long for Julien-K to come out. It made everybody mad, it made me fucking pissed because cause the longer i had the wait for music, the longer i had to listen too fucking brendon make his lame ass jokes, and keep poking me. I tried so hard to ignore him, but he just wouldn't fuck off. I wouldn't to turn around and tell him to back the fuck off. (so did Krystal, she later told me after the concert.)

But when the band started playing(julien-k) i was surprised how great they sounded. I couldn't keep my eyes off the lead singer. The whole time they were on i probably had a face of a gaping cause he was that brilliant. He had this confidence that i hadn't seen in a really long time in frontman. It was amazing. He took his shirt off and was moving his body like a stripper. It was fucking amazing, and i swear we made eye contact like a billizion times. And their muic was good to. They actually threw free cds out, and i got one,and some how threw the whole concert keep mines in my bra, without the cd getting harmed. Well except the pa
per case, that kind of dissolved in my shirt from the sweat. Anyways when he was heading out the cds, he had to lean against the bar andi got to touch his body. It was great, they were great, their music is amazing, and i would love to see them again.

The pushing started right when the birthday Massacre came out. Well not for my side. We were right in the middle, but i saw Robert and his wife struggling and we all chained arms. watching the birthday Massacre was amazing. Chibi is be far the best frontwoman i've ever seen, and she is as well as the only, but it was so cool. She really got into the music. I loved how she could creepy, then be really cute....The music was hardcore and fast, with a sweet little creepy voice. After they went off i wanted so badly to buy all their cds and learn their all lyrics to their songs so then the next time i could be able to call myself a fan.

Right when the birthday Massacre went off people started getting and krystal made friends with these girls, and they somehow convinced Krystal to let them get infront of us,(because they said once they get in front they would get us up there too.) WHAT THE FUCK EVER. I had to tell Krystal that there was no way in hell they could get us anywhere closer...We were as close as we were going to get. When MSI came on i was in so much pain. the two girls that Krystal was talking to had to be takin' out, and brendon, because it was too much for them. Robert and his wife got out because his ear had popped and it started hurting really badly. Krystal disappeared. and i was all be myself. But before she left she had gave me her cell phone. but yeah i was the only one up there and i made myself stay, i wanted to stay in the same spot the whole time. because in other concerts i never done that. i definitely succedded and felt so proud of myself.  I had my hair ripped out, people falling on me from crowd surfing, guys being so rough and mean, hair getting in my mouth, keeping the cd safe.

MSI was truely great. Lyn-z did her famous backbends, and jimmy was just as insane as everyone told me. They were great. They started out with shut me up! which was such a great choice, i jumped and sang loud, and it was just great. Lyn-z tried to walk in the crowd, and i helped support her, holding onto her right leg where her tattoo is. By far the concert was probably my 2nd best concert.

after the concert i found Sophie, but i couldn't seem to find Krystal. I was soak and wet and had my ticket was wet and was tearing apart. So i picked up a few MSI concert tix that i found, and then went outside and found Krystal, and i dragged her behind the newport, i was determined to meet lyn-z for tosha. But krystal didn't stay with me., She told me how she had met this really cute guy and she wanted to get his number. so she left me alone in the alley. but like a minute after she left Chibi came out the frontwoman for the birthday Massacre came out. It was amazing. I was so scared. I went up to her and asked if she would sign my tix for me, and one for my friend Krystal.(because Krystal loved this girl, and she would've been so upset if she didn't get her autogragh.) and she did it. She asked if i liked the concert. i told her i had the best time, and she was amazing. She gave me hug and told me i was soaked. and then i went back to my spot and waited for more people to come out. Krystal came back she was really bummed that she didn't get to meet her, but she did get that guy, and gave the guy her phone #.

the next person that came out was Lyn-z but she wouldn't come over and sign my tix. Sometimes she would ignore me when i would ask. but the last time she just waved and went back to talking to other people. It upset me so much, because i was supposed to get my tix signed for tosha. and i wasn't able to because this fucking girl wouldn't come over. But jimmy came out the lead singer for MSI and he signed my tix and i gave him a hug and he told me i was wet and disgusting, That was amazing. Krystal kissed him.  and then we ran off and got into her brothers car and drove back to her house. It was a good night. Even if i didn't get to meet lyn-z, which was really fucked up.

But yeah here are some really crappy pics that we took with Krystal's phone.


Lyn-z from a far. this is what she was doing while we were trying to get her attention.
This is a horrible pic of the TBM set. Kindof.

lol. this is a bad pic of Urine(lead singer of MSI) when we met him.

when we were waiting outside the newport!

this is ayla, and the guy behind her is Brendon.

the cd i got from the lead singer from Julien-K

This is my tix that Chibi and urine both signed. Chibi put a heart of it, but it got smudged. EH :[

jk, msi, tbm

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