Smirnoff Legacy: Generation 3.2

Jan 13, 2008 18:52

Last time, Jack married Tracy and had a baby girl named Claire. She grew up all cute. Kate became an unwed mother when she had Ethan. Men continued to hate Kate and Tracy had the hots for Vince.

You're about 5 hours late for the party, Vince.

Privacy? We don't need no stinkin' privacy!

Aiden: You two kids have fun! Screw her good, son!

Aw, what a sweet and happy toddler Claire is!

Never mind.

They've both been blessed with high intelligence.

LOL WUT? She's making dinner in the bathroom.

Ethan: KITTY!
Charlie: HELP ME!!!

Charlie: What is this evil?

10 points to Aiden for figuring out that the stinky baby needs a bath, not a bottle!

Kate, please stop looking at your brother's penis. Thanks.

The kids are spoiled.

Ugliest townie I've ever seen: Hey baby, how much?

Kate: Are you kidding? I'm free!
Tracy: I approve of this conversation.

Adultery on the lawn!
Everyone: *ignores*

Kate even has bad luck with the hideous townies.

What? He deserved it. :D

Kate: AHAHAHA! That was so funny!
Ugliest townie: *has brain damage*

Ugliest: HOR!

Come on, Kate. Don't be a wimp!

That's more like it!

Some guy: You look like a hooker in that makeup.

Kate: Now?
Some guy: Meh, you'd look better as a blonde.

Kate: How do you like me now, bitch?

He likes.

He REALLY likes!

5/20 lovers. Shit, this is an impossible LTW with her.

Oh yeah, in case you forgot, Tracy's pregnant again.

I thought maybe the blonde hair would help her attract more people. Yeah, FAIL.

Someone feed this poor child!

Baby time!

It's a girl, Juliet! She's got Jack's hair and Tracy's eyes.

Omg, just have sex already!

Ethan grew up. He's um... interesting.

Claire grew up too and she's REALLY EXCITED about it!

New house! I downloaded it from... somewhere. >___>

Ethan after a makeover. Cute, no?

Claire's adorable. I love her nose.

Ethan: Hey everyone, watch me!!!

Aiden: WOOOOO! Cartwheels rule!

Aiden: YUSS!


His grandpas really shouldn't encourage him.

No one can stop the dance.

LOL. I have no idea what she's doing. There was no one there. XD

Birthday time for Juliet!

LOL! A bald head and a pink tuxedo. Poor child.

Anyway, she's super cute! Look at those chipmunk cheeks! And she has the elf ears!

Ah, a bathtub pirate. I approve.

Ethan: You know my mom?

Ethan: Well she totally burned the house down one time.

No, I believe that was your uncle, Jack.

Yay! An autonomous cleaner! Everyone has been such slobs until now. Ethan has 10 neat points so he's always cleaning toilets and composting stuff. XD

Tracy: Congratulations on being a hottie.

Tracy: No, seriously. You're smokin'.

This is all they do. That and pillow fighting.

Jack caught a fish! Way to not fail!

Pillow fights are really getting old.




You too, Claire?

See? I wasn't joking about the cleaning.

Kate: No, I will not make out with you!

Romance sim, Kate. Romance sim.

Of course.

Kate: That's okay, let's just be friends.

Don't fuck with Kate.

Kate: Mwa har har!

Gotta work on that LTW.

Nice vest. Ah who cares, romance sims can't be picky!

Dude: Ooh, you're hot! Call me!
Kate: Violins.

Kate: UGH, I have to FLIRT with him?

Yes, dammit! You want to fuck 20 people!


What's your problem?

Jack: You want me to CLEAN???

Jack: Screw that. I'm just gonna emo over my video game. D:

Jack: Hey there, kids! Smash her face in, yeah!

BLAST! Toddlers suck.

Jack got fired. It may have had something to do with me and a chance card...


Jack: *cries forever*

Juliet grew up. I can't decide if she's cute or not. Hmm...

Rock, paper, scissors is serious business.


Why must everyone congratulate him on being hot? He's really not, guys.

Ethan: *stalk stalk stalk*

Vince: Your boobs are AMAZING!
Aiden: Wait... What?

Ethan wants to get taken away by the social worker.

Jack: I know you can't tell because I'm smiling, but I'm really worried about this.

That's all for now!

*I have really been trying to get Tracy and Vince caught in the act but no one ever cares! I want them out of the house. There's just too many people in the house and it runs slow. Plus they're kind of annoying. Eh, maybe I'll just kill them off.

smirnoff generation 3, smirnoff legacy

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