Dilbert, I Love You No More

Mar 26, 2011 13:27

 (Hello everyone, first post here! *waves*)

Scott Adams, the man behind the sometimes hilarious, and sometimes hilariously awful, Dilbert comic strip, wrote a piece of misogynistic blather fit to make the eyeballs bleed. (He has deleted it from his website, but for better or worse, when you put something on the internet, it lives forever.) A copy may be found here.

Well, wasn't that just peachy?

Thankfully, this is the internet we're talking about, so someone much more eloquent than I has already addressed much of what is wrong with that, er, piece of writing. (You know, aside from, like, everything.) Jeff Fecke's paragraph-by-paragraph breakout down of the fail, and a bonus segment about a further bit of fail left by Adams on Feministe (comment 24 on this article), may be found here.

men and feminism, introduction, is this for real?, asshats, men's rights

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