I wanted to show you a piece of anti-male sexism like it was and sadly still is implemented in society.
As an example, here have the story of David Reimer
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_ReimerMaybe some of you already know about him. He is just one tiny top on a big iceberg*. I've already read and hurt about this topic because I try to combine my religion studies with gender issues.
In the past thirty years, again and again, born boys have been "reassigned" as girls. Not only when an accident happend, but also when they were intersexed - often doctors didn't wait for in which direction the kid would develope, but instantly operated to female because apparantly a vagina is "easier to do". In some cases even fully functional testicles were extracted.
This all apalls me, but what stroke me to post here were all the issues of micropenis and other birth defect of boys that can result in a small or not distinctly visible penis.
Is a boy with a small penis not a boy?
In the view of some mediciners obviously not. And how hard would he have it in society, at the latest point when he has to change in the group rooms at school?
We all know the media and a large part of social expectation force males to concentrate on the length of their penis (althrough some "sources" say that the length is not that important, but i.e. the girth). A male who doesn't fit the "large, larger, LARGEST" expectation is quickly excluded and ridiculed. The trope is even used to disrespect entire ethnics (asian males).
But whatever size the equipment has, it is there and operating it in something "easy" doable won't change the gender of that person, if that person identifies as male. It will only cause suffering.
I think it is important to raise awareness of this issue out of two reasons
1) to avoid that things like that happen again with clueless parents and clueless or lazy medical personal
2) To think about our own society and if we really want to place 4 inch of meat over the happiness of a person