I think the following are the coolest cats I've ever seen.
While it is related to the Sphynx, they are a mutation that have absolutely no hair.
Kahona cats
Kahona kitten
Notice they even lack whiskers.
From the owners:
What IS a Kohana? The Kohana is the result of a mutation
originating in Hawaii and is the ONLY true hairless breed of
cat. It's true! Kohana's have no fuzz whatsoever... no hair
follicles... Where a Sphynx feels like a warm peach, a
Kohana feels more like a warm candle. To date, there are
only 18 of these cats in existence, but they've stirred up a
huge interest for such a small number.
They apparently belong to the same people who provided Mr. Bigglesworth to the Austin Powers movie. Info and pics from this site...