Giant Effing Bird

Dec 12, 2007 16:51

I bring you more paleo wtf, hurray!

This time...

That quote is from yours truly.

I know we already had the elephant bird and moa...but those are nothing compared to the awesome that is Brontornis, a Phorusrhacid bird (aka 'terror bird') from Patagonia. He was running around in the early to mid Miocene (about 23-11.5 mya) EATING STUFF UP.

I mean seriously. Yes, moas were big, but did they slice and dice everything they came across?

This thing probably ate early elephants. Here's a person holding a skull of a related species, Titanis walleri.

Related species Phororhacos. But it shows their adorable stubby wings.

And just for comparison...


bird, terror bird, fossils, brontorinis, extinct

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