Because of all the excitement over Bagheera kiplingi ( and yes, I did discuss them before,
here ) and it's slightly frivolous name...
Quite a few years ago now, when happily browsing the Geology Library at UNSW, I came across
this picture. The two in the middle are Yochelcionella daleki, evil little pepperpots with a single tubular stalk sticking out one side. Quite possibly they contained a bubbling lump of mutant hate. Naturally, I was delighted :D And since then, never saw a mention of them again :(
So imagine my pleasure when I discovered that Palaeos, the same webpage that gave me all that info on
conodonts, has this picture up as part of
an essay on a ancestral spread of tiny molluscs, with snorkels. As an additional Doctor Who link, the Helcionelloids were described as a clade by one Dr John Peel - but since I have no evidence that's the same
John Peel that wrote a bunch of Dalek novels, that's probably just a coincidence.