Montauk Monster

Aug 02, 2008 15:45

montauk monster 1, originally uploaded by Boju.

Special Weekend report from Dapper Cadaver's Monster Mondays

Early last week a hairless beast, roughly 3 feet long washed up on Montauk beach near Long Island. It was named the Montauk Monster. Multiple witnesses at various times during the day reported it, and several people photographed it. However, before the body could be analyzed, one of the locals scooped it up declaring they were going to mount it on their wall. This leaving no body, an unsolved mystery, and an internet sensation.

Here's what we know. The beast is about 3 feet long, nearly hairless, with what appears to be a beak lined with teeth in the lower jaw. It has a tail, no obvious injuries, and apparently finger like claws. Two photographs show the creature at different times of day, and in different positions. Locals reported the waves were rolling it. Here's the second photo, although they may be of different beasts.

If this is the same beast, it's important to note it has a nasal opening and ears, like a mammal. The change in color is baffling though.

Several theories have surfaced as to what the Montauk Monster is. I'll examine them from an anatomical perspective one by one.

Name that corpse - Likely Montauk Monster suspects behind the cut


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