Ok, so on the topic of stinging things, lets talk about caterpillars.
There are some that draw you in with teh kewt:
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And some that have an entire appearance that only a mother could love:
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And still others look like they're covered in fireworks...but they're fans of pr0n music so it's all good:
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It's kinda the insect equivalent of a dog that snaps at you if you pet it while it's eating. Don't touch them.
On the other hand, there's this little fella who looks scary (and a customer once insisted that one had stung her son and they found it sticking out of his arm) but is completely harmless, unless you're a plant. Then you're screwed.
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Attn: Modfolk. We're out of tags. Could you remove the redundant or stupid ones? For instance, we have termite, termite guts, and termites. Danke.