(no subject)

Mar 17, 2009 21:35

 Ok so it has been a very long time since I was last on this thing I think.

1. Watchmen: they did well with what they were given. It was by no means perfect, but nor was it awful. I particularly loved The Comedian and Nite Owl. The Comedian's mustachioed arrogance was brilliant in all instances. And Nite Owl, with his love handles, double chin and confused expressions was perfectly cardigan-wearing-gone-to-seed in every way. The sex scene was hilariously awful, but I think it was meant to be. Why in the hell else would there just be close-ups of thrusting ass and then flame-shooting/ejaculation metaphor for five minutes? Speaking of which, the sound track? Ironic as all hell. Leonard Cohen's Hallelujiah must be the ultimate way to kill the mood I have to say. It was like The Comedian had taken over the sound track and decided to take the piss as much as he could. When we got out the cinema, Hector was near breaking point about the whole thing and yelling : "THAT WAS THE SHITTEST FILM EVER" at the top of his voice. He is very good at the whole stating things that no one wants to argue with because he is God of All Knowledge, dontchaknow. It was kind of amusing, as when me and dr_octavia  got out and started going over it, we decided it was fairly good, visually awesome and the sound track was quite funny and oddly appropriate. Whereas some of the others evidently decided that seeing as God of All Knowledge had decided he didn't like it, they wouldn't like it too. The quick changes of looks of 'Huh that was quite good' to vociferous 'OMG THEY PLAYED HENDRIX THE HEATHEN SCUM' was really quite funny. Then again, I can see why some people wouldn't like it very much. It is not what you will expect to find.

2. I have been dying under a large pile of coursework. Found out I have basically no time for revision either as all my exams are in one week and over by the 4th of May. The Bastards. In the meantime...American History 2 is kicking my ass.

3. I might be going to Delhi. I have been saying this for the past two weeks now. But I actually might be going, rather than might get an application to maybe go. So it is more certain. Which is sort of good I guess...and also sort of awful in every way as now I have to decide on everything and AHHH. I am picking honours courses just incase...I may yet be here for third year.

4. cobweb_diamond  came up from London and it was more than awesome to see her. We wandered around the Grassmarket, generally being middle-class and buying fine cheese and black cherry liqueur, while searching for the elusive £12 ukelele. Then came home and dinner of health and goodness. dr_octavia came by and we watched Gosford Park and were very classy. I actually did not realise that Ryan Phillipe was Slutboy with the awful Scottish accent. He was actually quite good. It was amazing. Also, Clive Owen is possibly the most handsome man alive. He is one of the few people who can be described as 'smouldering'... On Sunday we decided we should have a Withnail day, so we tried to cook the most unhealthy thing we could think of that was not pizza. It was composed mostly of cheese, cannellini beans and potato. Then I realised I had ten people coming by for dinner...NOT GOOD. I will never have dinner parties. I made really nice food, if I do say so myself, but my nerves were shot to freaking pieces by the time I actually managed to get food on the table. Wine helped. A lot. Then watched Withnail and I, one of my favourite films. I remember touring about in Meredith with dr_octavia  and friends yelling "SCRUBBERS" at unsuspecting school girls out the windows. Some how Gav and Mairi managed to drink more vodka than is ever necessary and whilst no one was watching. Gav announced she was going to bed soon, abruptly left the room and then ignored everyone as they left. Even poor Jamie with his plea of "I may not see you again for like, 2 years..." was met with a muffled "Meh." The next morning, Frances decided to take us to breakfast so I had to get Gav up and about...she was still drunk. I was feeling very sick. We looked AMAZING. And not at all like we had slept in last night's eyeliner or that we hadn't washed...

5. I need to decide what I am going to  do my dissertation in...English vs. History...the battle is on...

6. It will probs be history...If I ever get these tutorial journals done, which seeing as I am on here, looks highly unlikely.

7. I want a puppy. Is it possible to get broody feelings for small fluffly animals? I am completely up for stealing small dogs whenever I walk past them in the Meadows. The drunk people who live in Bristo Sq have a new puppy. It is tiny and black and white. The cutest thing on this planet. I actually woke up the other day and was lying reading, and thought 'you know what would make this better? a puppy'. I am considering forcing Iain to smuggle Copper back in a basket next time we are home. I am sure his family won't mind.

I would settle for a bunny rabbit. Except you can't really take a bunny up a hill. Or make it fetch.

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