Title: Crush
Author: Magick
Rating: G
Pairing: Al/Hughes
A/N: I wrote this in response to the random prompt generator.
I will write a fanfic or drabble with the pairing
and include the following things:
milk, watch, teddy bear
Don't know what pairing to write?
Then let the Fullmetal Alchemist Pairing Machine decide for you “No I don’t want any milk! You know I hate it Al, make him stop!” Ed cried, flailing about.
Al looked up from his book with a sigh. Hughes was trying to get Ed to drink milk again. When the older Elric finally stomped from the room Al turned his attention to the man in front of him. Hughes shrugged, and downed the glass of milk in one long gulp. Al was sure that if metal could blush, he’d be bright red. Hughes sat and glass down and wiped the trickle of liquid from his chin the plopped down bedside him.
“What’re you reading, Alphonse?”
Al loved his voice. It was gentle in a way he could remember his mothers being, but masculine in a way he couldn’t place. Al studied the man for a second, from his hair with that one piece hanging over his forehead to his immaculately pressed uniform. Al thought he resembled a giant teddy bear when he smiled at him. Suddenly he remembered that he’d been asked a question.
“Oh...j-just a book on Alchemy, the usual…” Al was sure he’d be blushing now.
Hughes checked his watch.
“Keep your brother out of trouble, ok?” He winked at the younger Elric before calling for Elysia.
Al watched him hug Elysia, and then kiss his wife goodbye. With a sigh he went back to his book, only giving the man a final once over and damning his little “skirt-thing” for covering all the good parts.