Title: Thunder and Lightening
Author: Magick
Rating: G
Pairing: Ed/Roy
Thunder crashed around the house and lightening illuminated it in brief flashes. Roy was just beginning to fall asleep, despite the racket, when the bedroom door opened. A small blonde head peeked in before coming into the room fully. The little girl held her blankie in one hand and the bear Ed had transmuted for her in the other. The thunder rumbled again and she skidded across the floor to the bed.
“Papa?” She whimpered,
“Yes Ally?” Roy murmered quietly. He stole a glance at his lover and found Ed to still be asleep.
“The thunder is scary and please Papa can I sleep with you and Daddy?” The girl’s lower lip trembled and Roy was sold. Without a word he swung her onto the bed and wrapped her up tight in the blankets and then his arms.
“You shouldn’t be afraid of the thunder Honey. It’s loud because the angels are bowling.” He whispered, dropping a kiss on her fair head.
Wide golden eyes gazed up at him adoringly, and Roy was forcefully reminded of the way Elysia had looked at her father.
“Really Papa?” She breathed, not even jumping as another crash came.
“Yes baby and the lightening is when angels take pictures.” Roy blinked against the sudden wave of emotion the idea brought.
Gently Roy rocked his daughter to sleep, and as another flash illuminated the room he swore he saw a familiar figure capture the moment forever.