(no subject)

Nov 27, 2017 01:51

x posted on holiday_wishes

Hi all and happy holidays! I'm not sure where to begin. This has been a strange and wonderful and horrible year for me, as is life. First off, a little background on me. My name is Melissa. I'm a 36 (as of yesterday) year old gal from Iowa. I live in a modest home with someone that I love very much and our pets. I own my own business - I'm a crafter and spend a huge portion of my weekends at craft fairs and shows across the midwest, peddling my wares. I enjoy my life.

Last Monday my father died. He had cancer for a year and while it was expected, it broke my heart. Things like hospice and comfort became words I used far more often this past year, than I ever wish I had. His funeral is Tuesday and I'm a little broken about it.

I share that, not to garner sympathy, but to lay out the full me.

I guess onto the wishes now. (Sorry for the horrible segue).

1. If you have a parent who is alive, hug them and love on them. If your relationship with said parent is poor and it's healthy and safe for you to do so, repair it this holiday season. I wish for you to have the celebration that I wish I could. Love on your parent and hold them close and tell them how glad you are they are alive - no matter your age.

2. Donate to your local hospice house. Perhaps you can donate a blanket or an angel or a book. Maybe a container of water or coffee (trust me, families staying in hospice house are desperate for a little normalcy). My local hospice was amazing and I will forever be grateful that my dad got to pass away in a room that wasn't sterile and filled with beeping and hospital noises.

3. I would love some livejournal friends. A few things about me: I'm 36. I enjoy Gilmore Girls, Lost, Marvel movies, reading, Christianity, writing, arts and crafts, and animals. I dislike drama, medical talk, two sidedness and fakeness. I do not journal on here regularly, but am so hoping to change that. I need this outlet and desperately miss it. After coming back from a long absence most of my friend's list is gone. So if you're active here and think we could be a fit, add me. writingvixen

4. I do have an amazon list. I'll link it if you would like to send me a surprise. I do enjoy them, but please only do so if it wouldn't set you back financially. Handy Link Here.

5. However before doing the above, if you could pick a name from a local giving tree and make Christmas/the Holidays special for a child that is local to you, that would be amazing. My community has trees with names on them at the drug store, grocery store, and Walmart.

6. Reconnect with an old friend. Life is short. It's over in a moment. Find someone that you used to be bonded with and reach out to them. More than likely they're thinking about you as well.

7. I would enjoy any extra craft supplies you may have - particularly vinyl for a vinyl machine, cardstock, chalk paints (Waverly brand from Walmart) etc. If you have a surplus or used to be a crafter and are ending that hobby and want to pass on the love, send me a message here on livejournal and I can provide an address!

8. Holiday cards. I used to get a ton of cards, however that seems to have gone out of fashion. I would love to receive a card from every state in the US and even other countries. I do live in the United States (if I hadn't made that clear, sorry). If you would like to send something, please msg me on here and I will pass along a mailing address.

9. Prayers. I'm going through a rough time. I miss my dad and just celebrated my first birthday without him. It was hard. Really hard. I celebrated my first Thanksgiving without him. Also hard. As I head into the rest of the holiday season, I'm filled with dread and anxiousness. I would appreciate thoughts and prayers during this time. And if you've personally dealt with it and would be willing to talk - well I'll just throw that out there too.

10. My husband and I love board and card games. I would love recommendation for 2 player games. We like strategy games like Settlers of Catan and Cacassonne (probably spelling that wrong).

Again, thank you. Thank you kind stranger for even reading my thoughts. It means more than you know. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and all YOUR wishes come true.
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