Working mom or stay-at-home mom? A neutral comparison, part 2.

Feb 23, 2016 21:26

As a mom you know how the game goes:

if you stay at home, society calls you lazy and if you go back to work, people call you a raven mother.
But don't we all have our reasons?!

In the following days I will post several articles about wonderful moms that are ready to share their stories with us. If you want to read them all, please search for #workingmom .

Enjoy (and please don't judge)!

Interview Number 2:

Amanda (31); Toronto, Canada.
She lives with her partner and has one child: Asher (1).

What was your job before you got you child?
mental health social worker

And did you go back after birth?
No, I decided to stay at home.

Several reasons. At only a year old there is still so much he needs from me. I'm able to nurture him in all the ways we hoped for our family-emotionally, mentally, physically so that he may be more equipped and independent when the time comes. He's still predominately breast feeding. We eat a vegan organic diet, so I'm able to cook specific foods and meals as I feel would benefit him.

Are you planning to go back to work?
Yes, Iat some point when it feels right. Im looking forward to it! I enjoy working. I love being a mom but I don't feel like it's my sole purpose.

Have you been facing criticism?
Yes. From my mother who was a stay at home mom for many years. She sees it as a stressor financially, and therefore an irresponsible choice on our part. I've been expressing to her how much more important it is to us than money. That I appreciated her being a stay at home mom for us. Also, daycare is expensive here and would be nearly how much I make working.

If you could change something about your situation, what would it be?
Daycare in the workplace would be fantastic! Even more affordable daycare would be great. But I feel we would still prefer me to be with him a little while longer.

Thanks a lot, Amanda!!

parenthood, working mom, workingmom, motherhood, parenting

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