Ghost Road.

Jan 07, 2007 01:51

Ghost Road.
For those of you who are patrons of Port Perry's infamous "Ghost Road" you may be familiar with a couple named Sherry & Chris. Chris, a strange camoflague sporting, butcher knife carrying hick who has been going to Ghost Road for 18 years and Sherry, his tubby, preplexing yet somehow comforting girlfriend.
Well, it started off with us in our car (Christina, Tiffany, Val and I). Chris was off galavanting in the bushes, knee deep in puddles of water chasing "ghosts" the couple see quite often. Sherry, is telling us stories of their endeavours and encounters with the various "ghosts" they see. Sara, a little girl was apparently standing beside our car. After listening to her stories about Sara, military men on horses, groups of ghost children and their "Caregiver" she suddenly pressed up against the car with sheer horror. She asked us if she could come in the car, of course, Christina being most accomodating let her in. She sat in the car with us for quite some time until the ghost, animal or her fucking imagination had subsided.
We then got out of the car to stand outside with Chris & Sherry (Ghost Road's #1 Advocates). She then coerced us to have some sort of meditation to see if we could encounter these various "ghosts". Of course, power of suggestion or true ghost apparitions did sort of spook us. I'm not going to lie, I was uneasy and did feel like I could see some weird movement in the clearing ahead.
Suddenly, Chris speeds off in his muddy shitwagon of a car. Sherry tells us he had to run home and asks us if we'd like to take a walk down to the end of Missasaugas road to see the rock the TRUE GHOST ROAD GHOST (Motorcylist Invisible, we will call him) crashed his bike on.
Now looking back on this, I can't believe we were so accepting of this couple and thier strange antics and generousity. A creepy husband with psychokiller qualities and his kind wife leading us astray as soon as he disappeared, Paul Bernardo/Holmolka much?
We walk to the end of the road, with much sidetracking due to the fact she kept stopping every 5 seconds to interact with a ghost. We touch the rock, no big hurrah/haunting/anything.
This woman is pretty hefty, so as we were walking abck she lagged behind due to her size, her constant stopping to smell the roses and the fact she hurt her foot on our little walk. Suddenly, she stops dead. Staring into the woods, without saying anything. We're about 4 feet ahead of her by now, not really giving much consideration to sticking around.
Chris miraculously showed up, tottin' his knife, ready for combat. Sherry's attention had been caught by a red light. Phantom red lights, she had informed us earlier meant demons were staring at you. However, the red light started to come towards her, until she realized in was a full sillhouette of a person with a red light. Someone was approaching her, from deep in the woods with a red light. SCARY.
Chris, furious! starts to trek forwards to the spot of initial fear. Tiffany, asks what he is going on to .. "find the fucker, scare him .. or beat him." Let me remind you, knife still in hand.
Suffice to say, we booked it the fuck out of there. I didn't really want to stick around to see psychokiller working his magic.

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