Well, the last couple of weeks haven't been exciting, but that's to be expected. I sent the last of my applications off, got sick because a guy at work came in sick and coughing, and got to the Star Trek exhibit at the Arizona Science center a day later than expected.
They misspelled 'Bashir' on the computer trivia quiz they had there. They spelled it 'Bishir'. Ug. Frankly, I was a little disappointed that they charged an extra $11 dollars on the ticket price and it looked to be very minimal. If you wanted to go on the flight simulator, I mean shuttle simulator ride, that was and extra $6. That was actually pretty fun, but not worth $6.
There was some interesting stuff there, but it was not the stuff from the Las Vegas star trek experience. The exhibit started before the experience closed, so this is all other stuff. The guy that was at the science center, though, was really cool and had a lot of good stories.
Why did Deanno Troi get to be in charge when the Enterprise crash-landed? Because Marina Sirtis totaled 4 cars while filming the tv show. It's those funny little stories that make me love the exhibits while not being impressed with the physical thing itself. Why couldn't they have more of the interesting stories and background there? If the science center guy wasn’t there when we were, we would have missed out on a lot of cool info.
In other news, I'm moving, so packing has been happening, albeit slowly. I will be doing my usual amount of cleaning out as I go. It will be nice not to have to clean anyone else's bathroom for a change though. No surprises this time, at least on the moving out end. Don't know about the moving in part yet, though as that's another apartment complex, I think I have a better chance of it being ready for my move in. When I last moved out of an official apartment complex, I got hit on the way out and the way into the place I was going. This time, I don't have other people to let me down, so it should be a little better. I suppose when it's not you who needs to get a deposit back, it's less important for you to do a good job. There's work ethic and there are excuses. Guess which I got thrown my way when I left the place in Mesa and moved into the other place in Mesa?
Ahh, Mesa. The city is very weird. It has patches of good neighborhoods right next to slum. Unusual. You can make it your own city, but usually the one redeeming quality it has is that it is next to Tempe.
So, you may have noticed earlier I mentioned that I ended up at the science center a day later than planned. If I had just gone and parked where I was going to in the first place on the first day I tried, I would have made it 10min earlier. Not at 5:03pm. Very aggravating after a 10 hour day. Loved the 'Sorry that happened," and, "You know they're really strict about the 5 o'clock thing." I have had enough. I'm tired of being associated with people that refuse to learn critical thinking. Maybe find out if they will seat incomplete parties, prior to going and being seated. Magically, no one thinks of that. Or is it that no one thinks? Maybe no one thinks of anyone but themselves. If a restaurant makes all the calls as this one does, wouldn't it make sense that they don't seat incomplete parties? Why should they? They don't need the extra work and hassle. Maybe you knew that they didn’t, but chose to be seated anyway.
How many people did you even say were in the party? If you only mentioned the ones there already, then of course they wouldn't consider you an incomplete party. If you didn't count a small child that might have been with you when you said 5, they might have, as that would have matched the 5 people you were claiming to have had. It may just be that they thought you knew that you were sitting without the last person of your party. That you chose to sit without that person. Whether you meant to or not, you did.
And really, choosing to sit without one of the people you invited isn't the part that's the absolute shittiest. It's the part where I tried calling you at 4:30pm and wasted precious time waiting for an answer. Yes, I called because I wanted to make sure it was still on, as many, many times, I have been left hanging or left with cancelations. It's the part where I got to downtown in 15 minutes but then couldn't find parking and wasted minutes looking when I should have just parked where I had originally planned. It's the part where I called you as I was rushing from the lot to the restaurant, but again you didn't pick up. It's the part where I saw you in the front window; first set of tables, and no one saw me. It's the part where you don't apologize for sitting without me, you say, ”sorry that happened” and tell me "you know they're really strict with the 5 o'clock thing." It’s the part where all you had to do was call and tell me you were heading inside, so I could have, at the VERY LEAST, not wasted money on parking. It’s the part where you could have acted like the friend you have claimed to be.