new year, new doctor

Jan 05, 2009 13:03

In the last month or so, a lot of the issues I'd been having on an ongoing basis got much much worse.  I had never dealt with that much blood before.  Well, not my own.  My gut felt like it was going to wring itself to death, and without even having sweets or overeating (yes I was careful with what I ate for the first time ever), I packed on quite a bit of weight.  I had already been putting it on, but having that and the pain worsen all at once was hugely depressing for me.
I think what pissed me off the most was that supposedly one of the symptoms of colitis is weight loss.  That is such a huge lie.  I put on weight initially, and then when they had me on some drugs.  Then I had a reaction to those drugs and they put me on others....for the other end.  Those I didn't have as much of a gut reaction to (ba dum bum) so much as a hair loss reaction.  That was kinda gross actually, and if they put me on those again, I'm cutting my hair super short in anticipation.  The medicine was packaged in a vacuum sealed tiny astro package that didn't open quickly at all.  And it was sensitive to heat, i.e. body temp.  It melted with the heat and stained brown.  Oh joy!  That way when it takes you 20 minutes to open the damned thing, it's half melted, which is just enough to stain your exposed skin (hands) shit brown.

The magic of 21st century western medicine.  On the plus side they're now starting to approach the research on colitis and others in the correct fashion.  They're finally starting to look at the bacteria in the gut.  Finafuckingly!  I'm tired of hearing about it being simply a genetic trait.  That is such a ginormous cop out.  That's like saying someone died of old age.  No shit sherlock, now figure out what aged them and how.  Maybe researchers should take an old fashioned journalism class (who what when where how) - KNOW YOUR W QUESTIONS!

So, to ring in the new year, I figured I'd get myself a new doctor.  Mainly because my workplace has changed medical providers since my last doctor's visit.  SHOCKER!  We have a new hmo to deal with?! SHUT UP! NO!  I think we've changed almost every year I've worked there.  It's really bad when you can't even remember the name of the last doctor you saw.  Frankly, it's embarrassing.

Goals for before my birthday a few months away.
1) get a new doctor and remember who they hell they are
2) make that get a GOOD new doctor
3) pick oranges by feb 15th
4) get into school
5) figure out what the f is going on with this new weight
6) find out why my left wrist has developed a rather painful lump
      -if it's another fatty tumor, I'm totally gonna be pissed.  fat shouldn't be allowed to do that.
7) remember my brother's birthday

I should be ok with at least one on the list, so it shouldn't be a total failure.
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