Back in the Saddle

Apr 28, 2008 12:20

Let’s see…personal life has been crazy as of late, but I have managed to get some writing done. Rainbowwisher and I are still doing our Hidden Prophecies RP, for one. I hope the next chapter will be ready in the next month. It’s definitely slower output than writing it normally, but considering we hadn’t written anything for months and months, I think this is better. I’m also making really good progress on NAE. I hit my personal chapter minimum (2500 words) plus some, but I’m still not anywhere near done with the chapter. It’s gonna be a whopper. Some unexpected things are happening, which is always fun. I love it when things don’t go as planned-they go better. Well, if you’re reading it…not so much for the characters. :-)

My biggest concern in reading some of the reviews for chapter 10 of NAE is that you guys think Harry/Hermione feels like the dominant ship. I can definitely see where you’re getting that, and at first I was tempted to back off of that relationship a little, because Charlie is definitely my leading man. But then I started to think about it, and decided against making any changes. The story is really about Hermione, and her strong (and a little odd) friendship with Harry is an important part. If I backed down on the awkward and funny (and heartbreaking, at times) situation they’re facing, I think it would lessen the impact of things to come. So what if people start to root for them a little? Harry deserves to have someone like her, after all, and we can’t help but want that for him after everything he’s faced. But in the end, it’s their friendship growing stronger that’s the really important part of that storyline. Well, other than one little, tiny really, plot point that’s coming up. But I digress. *evil grin*

After I’m done with chapter 11 of NAE, I’m going to try to finish chapter 11 of Essence. That one has gotten progressively harder to write with every chapter, honestly. It seems like it should be the easy one, because I have a pretty straightforward plotline laid out, but it’s actually pretty tough. Perhaps it’s the precarious line I have to dance with Hermione falling for Fred without actually cheating on Ron. Perhaps it’s that I don’t care for writing Hogwarts era fics (though oddly I have no problem with next gen set at Hogwarts…odd). Maybe I’m tired of trying to write yet another version of how the Trio defeats Voldemort. I’m not really sure. But it is hard to motivate myself on that one, even though I really do like it, when all is said and done.

And another thing…I KNOW I worked on inell’s Harry/Hermione challenge while I was in CO, but I can’t for the life of me find what I wrote. I don’t know if I lost the file, or if I wrote it in a notebook and just haven’t found it…I only remember that I wrote more than the paragraph I can find. It’s very, very annoying that I can’t find the rest. I can’t bring myself to try and rewrite it. *sigh*

I haven’t started my next challenge from Lara Zed yet, other than some notes. It’s shaping up to be a short chaptered story (like The One Thing, maybe a bit longer), so I don’t want to get too much into it before I update all my other stories. I’m trying to be good. :-)

More from me later, hopefully in the form of an NAE update, but we’ll see….

PS - Forgot to mention - I got my cast off!!! Yay for typing normally!!!

essence of love, updates, fan fiction, challenges, harry potter, not as expected, broken wrist, hidden prophecies

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