Life or Something Like It

Feb 05, 2009 09:25

RP meetup this past weekend was awesome. Sit in a hotel room, eat, laugh, and RP. Can't get much better than that! My co-worker says I seem tense-er this week. I hadn't really noticed it, but I guess it's true. I blame an abundance of meetings and post-mini-vacation letdown. Or maybe my RP schedule just isn't full enough this week. Perhaps I really do need a fourth character.... (*snickers at self*)

I've been poking at my fan fics a bit, but I'm having trouble getting into Hermione's head lately. I guess I was just so Hermione-focused for so long...and now that I've opened myself up to a wealth of other characters, she's just lost a bit of her charm for me. Not that I don't still love the character, and not that I don't want to finish them--I'm just not as excited to do so as I once was. A year ago I couldn't write anything but Hermione-centric fics. Oh, how the possibilities have expanded!

Being that I just turned 29, I've been thinking of making a list of things I want to accomplish before I'm 30. Filling the void of Ravenclaw stories isn't such a bad life goal, is it? ;-)

Maybe I should write a Hermione drabble/one-shot or something, just to get my brain back into gear. Hmm....

harry potter, writing, road ahead, fan fiction

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