#612: Magician - Jedda's Magic Man - Mandrake/Jedda - Defenders of the Earth

Jun 01, 2015 22:13

Title: Jedda's Magic Man
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Defenders of the Earth
Character/Pairing: Mandrake/Jedda
Rating: G/K
Challenge: #612: Magician and Fan-FlashWorks #120: Midnight
Warning(s): Underage (but no sexual content)
Word Count: 982
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.

I know you are a magic man. I wonder if you can sense me now. I know you keep late hours, far later than this when it's merely midnight, despite always waking up early and making certain the others and I have our breakfast. You've said so many times that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and yet I wonder.

I wonder if you know you are the one who keeps me up at night. I wonder how long it will be before you truly do read my mind. I wonder if you suspect anything of the way I feel, the little jolts I get that make me tingle from head to foot every time we touch. I wonder what you say if you knew, if you even suspected.

I'm only a girl. I'm not yet grown. You've told me that, too, you know, every time Father wants to leave me behind, every time I am left behind and the others are too. You all worry for us, I know. You worry about what kind of life you're giving us, the choices we are not given, and the adults we will become.

I still have some growing up to do. It will do me no good to come to you now. You will only turn me away and try not to laugh in my face, not because you won't want to but because you won't want to hurt my feelings. You'll never want to hurt me, Mandrake. I know you care for me deeply but never in the way, I fear, I've come to look at you.

It's the midnight hour, and once more again, tonight, I can not sleep. It is no longer dreams of my homeland that keeps me awake or worrying about the shape of the world or my Father. It isn't today's missions or the test at school tomorrow. It's you. As it has been every night for the last several months, you are the reason I lay awake, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, unable to dream.

And yet I do dream. I dream with my eyes wide open of a day when you will do more than smile at me and tell me I'm growing into a beautiful, young woman. I dream of the day when you will take my hand in yours, kiss my fingers, kiss my laps, and slide your ring onto my finger. I dream of the day you will want to be my man.

I don't listen to very much music, not like Rick or even LJ, but there is a song above all else which I enjoy. It's an old one but makes me smile, because it reminds me of you. I've got the key if only you'll let me use it. I know I can make you fall in love with me, if only you'll allow it. You don't have to have any magic spell. You don't have to say abracadabra or wave your wand. You've already got me, magician. You've already weaved a spell over my heart. All you have to say is, "I want you", and I will be in your arms for I am already yours.

I have been for a long time now. I'm not entirely sure when it began or even when I first realized it. I have felt pangs of jealousy for years over your dates and wondered how on Earth such ordinary, simple minded women could truly attract you. I have laughed at your jokes and found you charming, but you have found me wanting. When will it stop? Ever? Will you ever look at me as I do you? Will you ever cease seeing me as a girl and see me, instead, as a woman, as your woman?

I wish I had even a tenth of the magic charms you possess. Rather magical or simply charming, if I had just a little of what you wield over me, perhaps then I could weave a spell over you. Perhaps then I could call you to my arms, to my bed. Maybe then I'd be the one saying "Abracadabra" and I could reach out and grab you, but know this, my Mandrake, if indeed I ever do manage to lay possessive arms around you, I will never, ever let you go.

My Father's word will be meaningless. Africa will no longer call to me. The States finally do have something I want, and that something is you. I won't go home again without you. I won't leave you, even when I'm older. I'll always be here waiting for you to make a move or for a chance I might seize to play my own hand and somehow win you over to my side. If any magic spell could do it, any potion or book, I would grab it immediately.

But instead I have to wait. I have to wait until I am truly, legally an adult. I have to wait for you to look at me as a real woman. I have to wait for that broad, charming smile of yours that I have seen so often bestowed upon women who don't deserve it be lifted by me. I have to wait for you to come to your senses and want me, and when you do, you will no longer find me wanting.

You will instead find me very, very ready and willing, wanting only to love you, my magic man, and when you do grace me with that wondrous smile of yours, I'll make my move. I'll wrap my arms tightly around you, so tightly you'll know you're never getting away again, and whisper "Abracadabra" and "I love you, too", lay all my love on you, and never, ever let you go. So come on, whisper "Abracadabra", and just like the song, I will grab you and love you forever.

The End

fandom: defenders of the earth, author: katleept

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