Then what, if I lose you.

Oct 06, 2006 19:51

He sat watching the smoke waft upwards silently ignoring the world around him. He could hear the soft cords of some music playing in the background a lull in the heavy noise that usually surrounded him. He jerked back from watching the smoke when someone knocked on the front door. He sighed and stubbed out the butt of his ciggerette. After looking through the peep hole he opened the door looking confused.

“Hey,” He said slowly.

Chad looked at the porch silently then looked up again. “Hey,”

“What happened?” He asked stepping back to let the older man into his house.

“Got in a fight with Kelly again,” Chad responded stepping in slowly shifting past Deron nervously so as not to touch him.

Deron watched him silently then followed Chad deeper into the house. “And Jess sided with her?” He asked.

“Yeah, Bam to.” Chad said looking over his shoulder.

Deron hated when Chad did this, he had those eyes that were so bruised and deep that it could kill a man. He blinked though catching Chad’s words. “You mean Bam willingly left his compound with out Ville present?” He said jokingly.

“Apparently so, he’s having Dinner with Kelly, Jess and Ava this evening.” He said.

Deron nodded watching Chad flop down on the couch. The way the older man moved and just so easily took over everything around him just seemed to erk him to no end. He sat down in the same chair he’d been in only moments before and lit a new ciggerette. He studied Chad who had fallen silent which was odd for him. Usually the man was talking a mile a minute until Deron was forced to shut him up. He took a drag just watching Chad now as the smoke curled in his mouth then down his throat and into his lungs a warm burning following it.

Chad sighed and slowly stretched out on the couch closing his eyes tightly bringing a pause to Deron something beyond Jess’s supposed betrayal was bothering him he could tell that much but he knew Chad wasn’t going to just spill and let those words slip free easily. It would take much convincing from Deron.

“Can I stay here?” Chad asked with out looking in Deron’s direction.

“Yeah, sure we can work on the CD, I’ll order some Pizza.” Deron said nodding even though Chad couldn’t see him.

“Go ahead but I’m not really all that hungry,” He responded lightly.

Deron sighed but got up to go order the Pizza hoping that maybe the smell of food would entice the older man into eating. When he came back from ordering the Pizza Chad hadn’t moved but his brown eyes were open now watching Deron as he came into the room. “I,” He stammered for a second then shook his head. “Never mind,”

“No, what is it?” Deron asked walking to the couch and sitting down picking Chad’s feet up he calmly set them in his lap and began unlacing the blue laces in the sneakers. When the shoes were off he tossed them both on the floor and then looked up at Chad who was watching him intently. “Why do we do this?”

“Do what?” Deron asked tilting his head to the side.

“Pretend?” Was all he said in response arching an eyebrow as he did so.

Deron shrugged. “No clue,” he said with a smooth chuckle.

“We should just do this why do we have to play games?” He asked. “Its not like you have to worry about Falissa walking in on us anymore.”

Deron tensed and glared at Chad anger surging upwards. His stomach twisted and his hand tightened reflexively on the leg under him. He saw Chad wince and it brought a sick pleasure to his brain. He glared at Chad who watched him carefully. “No I’m not afraid of Falissa catching us.” He said tensely.

“Then what? Afraid of what the Pizza boy might say?” He snipped coldly. “Or are you just scared,”

“Fuck you Chad,” Deron snapped reaching out with out thinking and slapping the older man.

Chad lay still no shock or surprise in his brown eyes just acceptance. “Yeah you’re afraid,”

“Shut up,” Deron ground out between his teeth tightening his grip on the leg under his hand. “Why can’t we just be nice about this huh?”

Chad blinked silent for the moment.

“Because you can’t handle being nice, your afraid to be nice. You want to hurt.” Deron snapped angerly tightening his grip even more watching pain blossom in his friends face. “Thats it isn’t it Chad?” He growled.

Chad jerked his foot away sitting up But Deron shoved him down hard pinning him to the couch. “You like it when people hurt you because it feels right.” He growled.

“Deron,” He whispered softly.

“What?” Deron growled leaning in close his fingers digging into easily bruised flesh.

“You like to cause the hurt, so why shouldn’t I enjoy it?” He asked slowly.

Deron froze his blue eyes wide for a mer second and then he crashed his lips onto the dark haired Guitarists. A the weak moan that escaped the older man’s throat set him on edge he shoved Chad down into the couch harder digging his fingers into flesh he broke the kiss biting the older man’s lip hard enough to draw blood which he willingly licked up.

A cry escaped the other man’s throat as he arched upwards off the couch groaning loudly his body shaking with want and need. Deron just ground his hips into Chad’s body shoving him down into the couch again and pinning him there. This would be hard, this would be rough, this would be painful. There would be screams and by the time he was done Chad would be pleading for him to let him go. He jumped as the doorbell rang and he grinned demonically at Chad. But that would have to wait. “Pizza’s here and if you want more, you have to eat.” He stated climbing to his feet and adjusting himself he went to the door whistling cheerfully wiping his lips to make sure there was no blood visible.
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